I am taking a deeper look at starseeds. I have a strong feeling that spirits from other star systems living in human bodies on earth is a real thing. There are a lot of websites and videos about the subject, but they are almost entirely New Age horseshit.
I have been pretty sensitive to false prophets since my astrology discovery, and my tolerance for New Age language with no actual meaning is really low.
With all that said, let's see what the cards have to say...
Over time, I have learned how much I don't like writing, so if you are interested in this, please watch the video.
Live long and prosper, Hive.
It is hard to communicate in a public realm about such a private and unique issue as our divine multidimensional universality: many folks are out there, out here, but the language is one that works best one-on-one - for those of us connected multidimensionally, the reality is profoundly different - our relationship with mainstream, authority, etc is different. Literal 'marks' and suchlike are contrived ways of demanding 'proof' of otherness... the more we 'grasp' at that kind of 'truth', the less we'll find Truth. Tuning in privately to our own core and rootedness, will effortlessly draw others to us, who will reveal our collaborative awakening.
I feel like the blue people in the movie Avatar. That would be my kind of society. I really don't know where that would be though.
I think I have been on a spaceship once. I remember one particular dream, the light was too bright to make out any details. It is a long time ago. Before the age of five I would guess. I can't recall any contact after that. I'm still waiting for them to take me home.
Ciao dear @miqlos - it really good to read your experience here, thank you sincerely for sharing it... I had a very lucid experience also, when I was young - perhaps around 7 or 8 - and was on the magical mountainside in my Scottish island home; I was shocked and threatened by a family member and spontaneously left my body completely, travelled across either dimensions and/ or space-time to some extremely 'far-away' place, and was immediately crystal clear that this was my home and my real family. I expressed my relief most passionately to them - seemed more psychically than outloud... and was reminded that I had volunteered in some way to be there at this very specific place, time, happening (my lifetime unfolding). This has been confirmed - the rightness of my belonging here, despite how wrong everything felt until recently: my ability to communicate with home and across dimensions is becoming less effortful and less polemical, over time - and it feels like we are all drawing home in, as it were - perhaps we are not here to go back home, but to draw home down to this dimension, reconnect the dimensions or even connect the dimensions anew.... Very power-full times either which way! Many good wishes to you, and to @tarotbyfergus !
Dolores Cannon calls them the three waves of volunteers.
she was anything but horseshit.
thank you for sharing your perspective.