Tarot reader joins Steemit : My introduction

in #tarotbyfergus8 years ago (edited)

 My name is Brian a.k.a. Fergus, and I am a tarot reader and palmist from Minneapolis. I've been reading tarot cards for 10 years. I currently use the Deviant Moon tarot deck by Patrick Valenza.

I like to do general readings for big waves of energy that crash through the masses. I target the reading to whoever will see it, I hope to target readings to the Steemit community.

 I am also a musician, and I sing in the band Fergus Plinko.

 I heard about Steemit from @kommienezuspadt and @mada

@kommienezuspadt is my main Magic:The Gathering nemesis, and @mada is my main human source of all knowledge. I personally don't know much about crypto currency, but I do know tarot cards.

  Here is my post-equinox general reading:

Time to let go of the past and it's disappointment and heartbreak. 

The miser in the 4 of pentacles is about to walk through a portal to the next life. He has gained much in this life and doesn't want to let go. In this case, what he doesn't want to let go of are feelings of heartbreak and betrayal shown in the 3 of swords.

If the miser succeeds in letting go, what is waiting on the other side of the portal is romance and harmony.(2 of cups)

The 2 of cups is all about being open to the moment. To embody the 2, we must leave the past in the past, and see what is really around us. It's not about yesterday, or tomorrow... it's only about now

 I've found this message to be helpful in my own life, and I hope you will find it helpful too.


I love tarot card art and music, welcome to Steemit!

Thank you! The artwork in The Deviant Moon is my favorite. It's appropriately creepy, and it shows the energies in ways that translate into real life better than most decks.

Good having you @tarotbyfergus! There's going to be a series of MTG beatings documented in future posts :P

Thrilled to see this - welcome aboard:)

Welcome to Steem, Fergus!

Welcome to steemit @tarotbyfergus. You will do great here

Thanks! It's like stepping into a new world.

Welcome to Steemit @tarotbyfergus

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Happy steemin

Wow! I am also a reader and sometimes I get tired of doing my own readings. I want to follow you but I don't know how. (Can anyone tell me? I'm new to Steemit and I haven't gotten all of this figured out yet.) Your cards are very interesting. Also its nice to talk with someone who is a fellow reader. I still have questions about card meanings sometimes. My deck is the Rohrig deck and I also have an Aquarian Tarot deck. I have only just started noticing or remembering that my Rohrig cards have Hebrew symbols (which I don't know) and Rune symbols. So that is giving me a pathway for deeper insight. Nice to meet you and welcome!

Also I have to say thanks!! For your reading here. There's a card you posted that I have been puzzling over. Actually the card I have been puzzling over recently is DEATH but I keep seeing that card - the 5 of Cups. You just gave me some very fitting new insight on this card and now things make more sense to me. I'm grateful.

Hey! Great to meet you! I'm new to Steemit and have been here searching for new friends and people who are also interested in tarot (amongst other things).

Awesome intro and hope to chat with you, Fergus!