Intuitive Drawing with Tarot Backup for @coyoteom

in #tarottuesday7 years ago (edited)


@coyoteom asked me for an intuitive drawing with tarot backup- so here goes-

Looks like the universe is giving you the authority to act on the behalf of nature - watch for the signs and you will be in balanced male female according to what is right under natural law... be careful not to allow self pity or negativity to enter in and you will be Transported through this experience and be of maximum service to the highest good.


Wow!!! I didnt even get a chance to send you a focused question and this hits home! That drawing with this is incredible, very deep in meaning for me believe it or not 🙏

I always love to hear this - thank you- I am glad of the opportunity to be helpful- and also the interesting thing is that the drawing has a lot of meaning for me as well... more to learn about...

I keep coming back to this drawing, so cool! Thank you so much again for sharing this with me 🙏

Would you like a better pic for downloading? I can post -

My sisters, I really like that.

My sisters do you have a community steemit in Whatshap or discord account ?

I do but I never use it

Why ?

I don’t have time... why do you care? What is it that you want to discuss on discord?

Do u draw these pictures?

woah - these are gorgeous drawings! i had a chance to look back at some of the others and i am in LOVE. the arms here feel like spoons and the faces are so magical. <3

Thanks! You can check out my website link to all that I have done if u like and click psychic drawings

everything there is amazing - thank you for sharing! i've faved your etsy shop as well :)

@in2itiveart My sisters. I'm learning to make art, please visit my blog to see it, and give me feedback so I can learn again. Thank you my sisters.