As you may know, I made this Oracle Deck this week for a Psychic Fair I was doing readings in... it came to me via Clairsentience that it would be good for me to whip up an Oracle Deck - to create a focal point for my readings, some of which were only 15 minutes...and so I did. So I thought I would try my hand at doing a reading for Tarot Tuesday like I see people doing offering a single Oracle Card Reading... Enjoy! Pick 1 card and then scroll down to get the meaning of the reading.
Keeping dirty little secrets... in terms of the Golden Rule - we have privacy, but it's another thing when we lie by omission or commission - that is coercion - so if you are keeping a secret from someone it's best to get it out in the open.
Self-Will - Using Force with the illusion of Security - best just to Surrender and put your faith in the Flow. There is a time when it is necessary to stand up for Principle and these days that does seem like a fight, since we are currently in Involution, however, even then, you know you have the Universe behind you when you have stand up for Principle - self-will is simply the misuse of Free Will, for personal gain, without thought for others - and even in small things - it is just about getting your way right now, instead of pausing when agitated or doubtful and looking to the Divine in all things for the Power or a different way to go about things.
Endings... things are winding down - that last beautiful show - just before something is about to end, there is always a surge of energy - and beauty. Endings are nothing more than Change - and that is the only thing you can count on in life - Change - so it's best not to resist it because there is nothing you can do about it.
Money...Fake Green Paper may be your challenge right now - perhaps the Pluto Saturn Conjunction is causing a cinch in the belt...never fear - Money is not real - in fact - it is a limitation of Current-see - our true currency is an exchange between people... and Nature... try to get to the place where you know that the source of The Supply is not human - but Universal... and all is provided... if you feel blocked - go help someone. Give things of value away for free and watch the Universe return the favor 3-fold, at least...Get out of self...
If you would like a Sigil to do with your reading - please comment in the reply line, and I will be happy to make you one...make sure to state the problem you are having... Thanks!
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@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.
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