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RE: Free Tarot Card Reading for the Week of January 23rd 2018

in #tarottuesday7 years ago (edited)

@traciyork, I'm so happy to have shouted you out! I will be on Darkside with @isaria & my good (local Denverite) friend @sunravelme, this Saturday. We'll be talking Tarot again, so it should be fun!

Are you on the MSPWaves discord server yet? I'm going to DM you. This is part of what I was chatting to you about the other day...gonna be rolling something out for our community here shortly. I got my tech nearly sorted out and am lining up the spot on the radio...


SQUEE! That's wicked awesome, @intuitivejakob! I know I've seen the MSPWaves channel on the PAL Discord - is that the same thing? I'm still trying to figure out my way around Discord (which I'm sure shows in the Steemit Tarot channel - LOL!), but I'm slowly getting there. I'm hoping to have an intro post up on @steemittarot before next Tuesday, so please shout out when you have the deets on the radio show so I can include it! YAY!

Yes, that's the same thing, @traciyork!

If you look at the channels on the left side navigation panel, there is a section called "MSP WAVES RADIO" where you can listen in, live, and also participate in the chat community.

The schedule for the shows is at (Our new show will be listed on there soon!!)

Can't wait to see the intro post for @steemittarot! Let me know if I can help with anything there. Always here to brainstorm with on discord.

The radio show is this Sat at 6 p.m. MST.

Awesomesauce! 😊