Welcome Friends
To another Tarot Tuesday with @phillyc. Today we draw three cards, and use the intuition to channel a message. I intend the message to be helpful and inspiring, you can take from it what you will. In no way does this reading detract from your individual agency to make changes and decisions. In no way does this reading take away from your magical power to perceive and enjoy life.
The message is active from Today until the next Tarot Tuesday, which is one week.
I have heard that we are in an 'eclipse season' currently, with a new moon eclipse having occured days ago, and two more eclipses in store for us over the next five weeks. Strong energies, in terms of what I experienced. I feel that this is an opportunity for us to become more enlivened and open to new experiences. Breaking new ground as it were.
The Cards
These cards are from the Morgan Greer deck
8 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 10 of Cups
We have three of the Minor Arcana cards, and none of the Trump cards known as the Major Arcana. I could say that there is nothing 'major' here and it is more about our every day lives. My feeling is that this is not quite the truth, or only one piece of the puzzle. This spread is more to do with every small action and moment that we go through, and seeing the magic in that. It's about being fully awake to right now, and being grateful for how miraculous it really is.
Because of the strong eclipse energies active right now, everything will feel like an event or an upgrade. Now the focus has come to our daily routine, planning, creative pursuits, and the home life. How can we navigate and work with these situations, to see the incredible magic of this life?
This is an opportunity to modify small habits and perceptions to BIG effect. Personally I have been picking one thing to work on each month. This month I have detoxed off coffee, and now that we are just over two weeks in I am starting to see the real changes happening. Honor the process of your life, understand that true transformation takes time. Be consistent and persistent, and you can become greatly renewed.
Eight of Pentacles - Persistence, Repetition, Development, Patience
Be patient young Padawan! This is what some wise part of me will say when I feel impatient, agitated, or unmotivated.
This is an earth card, which hones in on our material life - what do we produce? How do we make a living? And what are we working toward? If you are working toward something then be patient and enjoy the progress you have already made. Be realistic, and focus on the current step. Enjoy your process, and the magic of gradual change and increase.
With the spread consisting of Eight, Four, and Ten - we find stability in the even numbers. The eight of pentacles urges you to keep quiet and focussed, now is not the time to get too wild and unbalance this system which is secretly making magic for you.
It could be the quiet building of your Steemit account, or saving from a trip over seas. It could be working on your body and being able to do seven push ups when at the start of the year you could only do two. It could be a garden you've cultivated and watched come to fruition. Or it could simply be your own state of being, which has gone from anxious and all over the show - to now more centered and focussed on what helps instead of what exacerbates the situation.
All of these things are a slow time based process, the eight reminds us to keep consistent with our process and practices. Look to the longer journey and enjoy today's efforts for what they are. You are a gradual unstoppable force, like Ganesha the Hindu deity. In making the decision internally it has become so, now we take one step at a time to manifest it into our physical experience.
Four of Wands - Success, Celebration, Ritual, Creativity
This card resonates with a gracious and joyful feeling. It indicates a time to stop our steady progress started with the Eight of Pentacles and take a moment to appreciate life. This is very much to do with the heart chakra, in that it is about appreciating yourself and your life for all that it is. You are a beautiful being which is flowering in it's own unique way. The mind may suggest that there are so many things you need to do before enjoying and recognizing yourself, that day will never come if we get lost in our thoughts though.
Let today be the day, when the work of the day is done gather your loved ones and share and enjoy. If you want to - create a small ritual or share a beautiful meal of delicious and nutritious food. Today is a day like no other, so let's celebrate it.
The four of wands resonates with appreciation and gratitude. Coming back to the overview, this is a powerful time to see the beauty and magic in every small thing. It's a good time to see the divine in yourself and others, and to bestow some love. Find the feeling of gratitude and abundance, and spread it around.
We have come to earth on a sacred mission, but we have also come to enjoy. This week is a good week to experiment with how we can fulfil our soul purpose with full enjoyment and full appreciation of life. This experience is not meant to be a continual slog toward a payoff that never comes - so let's enjoy it now regardless of where we are in our process. This kind of attitude will actually allow life to bring much more to you, the closed and serious attitude will keep you locked into dreariness and grinding work (the shadow aspect of the Eight of Pentacles).
Ten of Cups - Joy, Abundance, Family, Love, Union
Continuing the theme of celebration started in the Four of Wands, the Ten of Cups also speaks about appreciating life. It is so important to have a daily practice of gratitude - making a note of five things you are grateful for each day will go a long way to putting you into an abundant receiving state.
This card is about our family, in whatever sense we feel that. It could be literally Mom and Dad, Siblings and an extended collection of Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. It could be quite different though. For many of us, family is who we have been thrown together with as work colleagues, friends that we resonate with, animals, and even non physical entities that guide and support us. Family is different for everyone, what is the same is the sense of belonging and the feeling of being 'at home'.
When we are at home we can relax fully and honestly be ourselves. You can pick your nose and scratch your crotch. We drop our pretense of trying to be something, and then end up actually being who we really are. It's a beautiful things to accept ourselves for who we really are.
Now is a time to tap into the subtle and consistent joyfulness that binds everything together. If there has been strife or resentment in your home or family situation then now is the time to drop that and appreciate one and other. It's not material circumstance, or bloodlines that makes us family - it's a subtle energy which circulates and joins individuals together with a sense of togetherness. Let's celebrate this in whatever way is appropriate for us.
It's this sense of union which has the capacity to eventually open up in magnificent ways - connecting us to the universal source energy. The completion of the Ten comes full circle back to the unity and purity of the ace.
Thank you for stopping by
Much Love and Gratitude, have a great week
I love your page!! It feels good to see other people into magic and tarot on steemit as it’s not very common :) Followed.
Thanks for stopping by :) Definitely check out the other readers on #tarottuesday , there might be more people that your resonate with. Also check out @alchemage, he has created a discord channel dedicated to the magic arts - there should be an invite at the bottom of his posts.
How's the coffee quitting going lovely??? (**she sips coffee, sighs contentedly) ... xx Love your tarot tuesdays.
Hello you :) Yes it's going well, I have found a malty drink that produces the same flavours, and I feel that I have gained a lot of clarity in my perceptions. Are you well?
I'm great!! Finally home. It's cold and rainy here but I'm thankful for that too - there's only so much tropical weathter one can take and down time is precious. Getting back in the flow. xx I'm quite in love with turmeric milk drinks, to be honest - that can substitute my coffee any day - and tastes a lot better, especially if I'm decadent and drink it with maple syrup.
Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!
@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.
To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.