Tarot Tuesday,

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to another Tarot Tuesday

Gratitudes to the Steem Tarot community for all that you bring.

As always the intention is to use our intuition to connect in and take forward a beneficial energy and intention. Or to just check in and see what is there and what life is bringing to us. We set the approximate time frame for one week moving forward.

The Cards


Morgan Greer Tarot Deck

Seven of Cups, XVI The Tower, Queen of Wands

Seven of cups sets an intriguing tone, life will be offering many mysteries and fantasies to get involved in. Perhaps it's the right time for you to day dream a little, or perhaps it's time to shake these sentiments off and recommit to the work. I will leave that discernment to you.

Sometimes just taking a little time to watch the birds and the trees can really be revitalizing, and help remind us that we are part of a thing called life. Life is a great mystery and a great gift we have been given. The seven asks you what you are devoting your life to, there is a sense of choosing a goal and imagining it. Believing in a fantasy and setting forth to make it into reality. The seven always comes with the reminder to not be led astray seeking things that do not support our well being and make us more disconnected.

In the seeking we can potentially get lost, take some time to see where you are headed and if you still want that. Have your priorities and goals changed? With The Tower there we might find we are suddenly drawn to something else entirely.


The central theme is the tower, which looms over the reading as if to say - expect big energies and big changes. It might not be at all what you are expecting. I have always found a sense of electricity with this card, and I like that electric feeling despite the uncertainty and the shock. The core message of the tower is that false structures will fall, this is all about our identity and how we cope with change. When what isn't working starts to break up, we can see that false mask as ourselves and get upset - or we can choose to laugh instead and welcome in the electricity of pure being.

People tend to wrap themselves up and put their heads down when intensity happens, this is the animal response - to cower. The Tower is about intensity, The tower is Shiva - destruction is a great cleanser. My challenge to you, is to keep a bright attitude and see the great possibility that happens with disruption and destruction. Think of something like a government department all clogged up with bureaucracy, or even just a drain pipe. When a big shake up happens it gets things moving and reminds us that we don't have forever in this body - honor that and live as if we could die tomorrow. Follow your instinct and run a bit wild, you have permission.


The queen of rods seems a good match with the tower energy, she is not afraid of strong energies being both drawn to them and tending to emit them herself. The queen is naturally sexy and charismatic, linking back to the seven of wands. With the phallic symbolism of the tower there could be a bit of a heads up here, seduction in whatever sense could be at work. Will you willingly be seduced and enjoy the pleasant dream? Or will you defiantly stand your ground and be firm in your practice and principles. The queen knows herself and insists on her own way, using that same energy we can assert ourselves in possibly groundbreaking ways. Trust your own sense of things, including your fashion sense. You're a star and people are watching you just to feel your charisma and natural radiance.

It could be that you are unexpectedly thrust into the public sphere and take on the role of the queen, or perhaps it is more just a time of strong energies in general. The queen of wands love kids and animals, because she is very playful. We can expect to be feeling full of life, and it could be a great time to strike out with your unashamed individuality. Be you! Don't let the past and the mind's stories hold you back. You are beautiful, especially in your bold expression - so let it be known and become another alluring mystery, a gift for the world.

Gratitudes and Blessings

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@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

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