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RE: Tarot Tuesday for the week of April 23 2019 (#SteemBloPoMo Day 23)

in #tarottuesday6 years ago


Time for some balance. You’re out of whack.

It's Steemit. It makes me whacky.

You’re spending too much time on one side of the scale – lots of thinking, but little doing; focusing on spiritual, but not physical; loads of time for work but nothing for play.

It's Steemit. I'm on Plan # 418. It's hard to get anything done with all the scheming required to get a $2.00 upvote. A $5.00 upvote requires a D-Day Invasion scale battle plan. Work and no play. No sleep either.

It’s time to bring things back into balance. It might not be easy to take action, get exercising, say "no" or pass up some overtime – however it is what’s needed. Try to get the balance right.

Arrrrgh ... don't I know it. I think I need to become a Warlock. Or a Jedi.
