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RE: Free Tarot Card Reading for the Week of January 23rd 2018

in #tarottuesday7 years ago

Interesting! I've been thinking of doing card reading entries on Tuesdays. In my card system, Tuesdays are my Uranus day - that planet being the planet of psychic experiences and the metaphysical.

Does one have to be a reader who exclusively use Tarot or is it fine to post using other card reading methods?


Coolness! Any deck works for Tarot Tuesday, and at the moment we have a mix of free readings, and informational posts about card interpretations. I plan to have an introductory post written for next week, but in the meantime, I've followed you on the @steemittarot account, and I'll check your blog next week. 😊

Oh thank you! I read for recreation though, I'm not a professional reader so go easy on me, lol. ^.^

No worries! Even though I've been reading cards for a billion years, and I've done public readings, I've still never done any readings for money. I'm still too nervous to make that leap - LOL!