Cards are Up for Tarot Tuesday! "Pick A Card" and have some fun by Sunscape

in #tarottuesday5 years ago

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Sunscapes Card Reading

Pick a card from the following to receive
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

The Gilded Tarot

Earth Magic and Divine Guidance

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1

#13 - Death and Full Moon - Completion

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Receiving the Death card heralds the ending of a major pattern or cycle in your life. This always makes way for a new one to take place. This major change and transformation may mean that you are finally finishing an intense time of learning and releasing. If you feel you have, then get ready to open your heart for the next wonderful phase in your life. This is signified by the full moon/completion card. I imagine that this last full moon with the eclipse brought in some intense energies for you to experience. Take heart the energy is shifting.

The death card releases you from what no longer serves you. You already know deep inside what areas in your life really needed to go. Even if you had been holding on tightly to them, you still knew that at some point you would have to finally release them. If you had decided to keep them in your energy field, because you fear change, you would not be able to move forward with certain areas of your life right now. This could mean job advancement, personal empowerment, or a relationship with someone new. Whatever needed releasing, you know you have been feeling it for some time.

The full moon brings everything into the light that has been hiding in the shadows for you to see. Change is at hand and the lessons that you have learned from your past experiences will benefit you going forward on your journey. You can now take pleasure in knowing that whatever you have been working toward has now reached its culmination. It may have been a relatively brief cycle or a much more extensive one, yet regardless of the length of time, you have arrived at the stage of completion. Take many deep breaths and allow yourself to appreciate and honor the cycle of releasing. Relax and enjoy the fact that you have completed a major cycle in your life.

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#5 Alignment, #7 Heart & Mind, #35 Celebration

These three Divine Guidance cards are the extra messages from spirit for additional clarity.

#5 -The Alignment card lets you know that you are experiencing the beginning of a very powerful shift, both spiritually and energetically. This is a complete alignment of your higher-self with your physical-self. Sometimes one can feel like their world is in chaos and turning upside-down and inside-out. Fear not, everything is happening in perfect order as you align yourself in perfect balance. Once this completion process takes place your physical and spiritual life will be in harmony.

#7 - Learning to operate from the heart is one of the single most important things one learns to do. It is time to activate and open up your heart chakra to its fullest potential. You have closed your heart off from feeling any more pain and discomfort, but, now that cycle is over and it is time once again to trust your heart to lead you to your next life experience. You can trust yourself you know, it is your soul that leads the way all along your journey through life. It knows exactly what it is that it is wanting to experience and grow from. Take some time to breathe through your heart space and allow the love and light to expand it outward. It is time to live your life more fully from a heart-mind centered place.

#35 - It is time to take of your work hat and let your hair down. This is the moment where you take some much needed time off and go have some fun! Fun!...seriously. You deserve a break to sing, dance, enjoy the outdoors, and to just get away from the mundane. Even if it is just for an afternoon to yourself somewhere that you have not been before. Take a drive to a destination unknown. See what happens when you get there. This could just be that extra boost your heart and mind needs to let it all go. Your heart needs this, your mind needs this, and your spirit also needs it. Get out there and celebrate life and celebrate being YOU!

Card 2

#0 - The Fool & Eagle Communion

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#0 The fool card comes to you representing the very moment before creation: the unexplored potential. It is the only unnumbered card in the deck. Zero, represents the endless circle and cycle of life, without beginning or end the alpha and the omega. When the fool comes into your reading, it suggests that unexpected opportunities will suddenly appear that can bring welcome changes for you.

Are you ready for a change? Stay open and objective, allowing the Universe to deliver it to you. You will find yourself having to make a decision with this major choice, as it will come quickly into your energy field. The fool is like the innocent child within. The little one that has an endless imagination and a great sense of wonder. Open up wide and feel the endless possibilities flowing to you.

Do not fear listening to your inner voice, the inner child that loves an adventure and the excitement of experiencing the unknown. I know you are ready for a change, otherwise, this card would not be here today for you. Let's see what the other cards have to say to support the fool.

Eagle Spirit is often associated with the highest and noblest, the Divine Spirit that guides us encouraging us to let our spirits soar. Through this communion, we know that we can touch the sky and that we're intimately related to all of Life on the planet. The Eagle soars high above the Earth to get a grand perspective of the life that surrounds it.

Today, Eagle is reminding you to take heart, gather your courage because the Universe is presenting you with a brand new opportunity. It is time for you to broaden your sense of self beyond your current perspective and allow the Universe to present you with a marvelous opportunity to rise above mundane thoughts. You have been planting the dream seeds for some time now and a new cycle is about to begin. Get ready to receive what you have been desiring, but, do not put it in a box and expect it to be delivered in a particular way. Be open and available for the unexpected to happen. Spirit knows exactly how to deliver.

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#12 Happiness, #19 Deeper Look, #41 Creative

These three Divine Guidance cards are the extra messages from spirit for additional clarity.

#12 - Happiness is a wonderful, encouraging card to receive. It means that Universal energy is moving through your life and your inner being right now. While this energy sets all matters of the physical world into proper order, it also serves to bring a deeper, more profound feeling of contentment and inner happiness to you. It is important to remain conscious of whether or not you are open to allowing this energy to flow. There is a lot of good coming your way, especially happiness. Also, take note of the card's image and see how the golden ripples emanate outwards. This shows that your energy shift has a positive and uplifting effect on others as well.

#19 - A deeper look shows you that you are opening to a unique perspective. You can now see clearly below the surface to see exactly what has been taking place. This not only applies to your life but the lives of people you know. Now, is the time for you to see the energetic patterns that have been appearing over and over again in your life. You can now see the consequences, both positive and negative of different choices that were made and what roads they led you down. From this greater understanding, you will be able to aid others with sound counsel and help them with their journey.

#41 - Creative comes to you today with a message that you are fully aligned with the powerful light of Source/Divine energy. If you are an artist, writer, speaker, dancer, musician or healer the card is asking you to dedicate time each day connecting with this creative force. Keep yourself grounded and connected through meditation. When you are aligned with Source and Mother Earth, your creative juices flow in abundance.

Card 3

#4 Emperor Reversed - Gaia Nurturing

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As I tune into the energy of those that will resonate with this card I feel such empathy and tears want to flow. Well, yep there they go. I feel like you have suffered from a lot of emotional and mental anguish. Perhaps from a masculine figure in your life. This could be one or maybe many, I do not know. This may have been a father, brother, boss, clergy or boyfriend that left scars upon your heart. Their domineering, self-righteous behavior has caused you to build a huge wall around your heart.

Have you been struggling with self-love and unworthiness? Are you afraid that others will let you down and not support your choices like those from your past? You may even express your disdain for the masculine energy through acts of disdain, critical statements and judgmental thoughts towards others. Your heart has been so wounded and closed off that you may be feeling like life has let you down.

Be patient with yourself. The Gaia nurturing card wants to assist you in knowing that the Earth, nature, the animals, and plants are here to assist you in healing your wounds. There is nothing more loving and embracing than that of nature. The pure, high-vibes of Gaia can melt away the deepest of pain with time. Walking in nature, seeing the beauty in the tiniest insect, or enjoying a moment sitting by gentle waves flowing into shore can soothe the darkest of souls.

Take heart whoever is reading this, for it is time for you to break yourself free from the chains that have bound your heart. Read on and be encouraged by your clarifying cards.

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#23 Intimacy, #10 Gentleness, #27 New Direction

#23 - Intimacy comes knocking on your door today with the symbol of a red rose. This appears to share with you that this love energy is very important for you right now. There are two spirals coming together in the center of the card. This represents two people coming together energetically. This could mean a new relationship is on the horizon. Or, if you are in one already, focus your energy there. It is asking you to do your best to re-kindle your passion and romance. Be open to allow yourself to be vulnerable with a partner.

Also, I see you embracing the vibration of a lover. A "lover" of yourself! That may feel foreign to you, but, it is an integral part of the healing that you are going through right now. Embracing all the shadow aspects of yourself, loving the entirety of you, is what will help you to create a happier life for yourself. Loving yourself first will open up any areas of your heart that have been closed to allow others to come towards you. As you do this, they will be able to support you, to nurture you, to help you, and to love you. Are you ready to love yourself?

#10 - Gentleness is here to let you know how unique and diverse you are. You have so many special qualities about you that maybe you are having a hard time seeing right now. Spirit asks that you be gentle with yourself and accept the delicate nature of who you are. This beautiful, spiraling energy is here to remind you that there is a greater power and strength in your softness and it is here to assist you in healing on all levels. It is also here to remind you that you are a Divine being of Light who is as deserving as any other human being on earth. Take a moment to look into the mirror and smile at yourself. Recognize your authentic, beautiful, glorious self sending love back to you. Keep smiling my friend as it is going to get better.

#27 - Energetically, your life is ready to move in a new direction, but you have to allow for this to happen. Have you noticed how you have been doing the same thing every day? Have you fallen into a routine? Well, it's time to break free from the daily patterns you have created in your life. It's time to start being spontaneous. When you do this, you open your energy to the possibilities of something new and revive your passion for living once again.

The energy of the Universe is ready to flow and by consciously breaking free of the routines and patterns, you allow space for the new and different to manifest into reality. The Universe has limitless possibilities waiting for you to experience. Have fun, life is about to get exciting.

This weeks Spirit Guidance

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I hope you enjoyed this week's card reading. I will continue to post bi-monthly cards on #tarottuesday using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the current spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op -Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Sunscapes Soap Shop


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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Thank you once again for the fabulous support.

FOOL FOOL FOOL of course Card 2

That was a good one too, you go girl!!!!!

I am right in the middle of those changes big time

The fool card comes to you representing the very moment before creation: the unexplored potential. It is the only unnumbered card in the deck. Zero, represents the endless circle and cycle of life, without beginning or end the alpha and the omega. When the fool comes into your reading, it suggests that unexpected opportunities will suddenly appear that can bring welcome changes for you.

I am right there with you, I have no idea what is coming next but I can feel it building big time. We are on a wonderful ride right now. Blessed be!