Thanks to sales of TASKMANAGER both on steemit and the bitshares DEX, @taskmanager is currently sitting at 4,331.696 STEEM POWER! You can also see the (partial) buyback amount building up in the savings account :). I have been setting aside almost all liquid STEEM rewards for the buyback. It is currently at 51.245 STEEM and growing. Followers may have noticed that The Daily Task Manager is no longer daily. It wasn't doing very well making money, however lots of users do find it informative so it will come out every few days instead of daily. I can cover most of the contests this way without burning myself out.
This also gives me time to work on my dream baby of a front end for steemit, with a simplified bitshares DEX built in...
here, where you can get an even share of the posts payout in TASKMANAGER.Not too bad at all, remember obtaining and holding 50(1) TASKMANAGER qualifies you for an autovote from this account. @virtualgrowth is hosting a giveaway
You can see here on this graph provided by, that creating a UIA on the bitshares network and offering a % of my profits has been successful so far.
The Pledge
If at any point @taskmanager powers down for 1 or more cycles, 75%+ of the STEEM powered down will be converted to OPEN.STEEM and used for the TASKMANAGER buyback.
This is recorded on the blockchain. I have no plans to power down, I just wish to make it clear that if I do, most or all of it will go back to investors.
TASKMANAGER is an asset hosted on the bitshares blockchain, a % of the liquid STEEM from all @taskmanager posts is placed in savings, to be used to buyback TASKMANAGER for OPEN.STEEM on a regular basis. Holders of 50(1) or more TASKMANAGER qualify for the @taskmanager autovote. Sales from TASKMANAGER (2) will be used to power up the account. Future projects by @taskmanager will be funded by, and owe a portion of it's profits to this asset.
(1) - The amount of TASKMANAGER required to qualify for autovote may change over time.
(2) - Some of the funds from sales may be used for promotional costs, fees, hardware, software and other possible investments.
I have no idea how to obtain or build 50(1) TASKMANAGER
I'm new to this stuff so I need a dummy guide to play.
Did you happen to see this the other day? It's a decent bitshares video. Unfortunately the giveaway that went along with it is now over.
If I can get enough money together, I plan to set up a bitshares portal for users just like you. Easy to use
I can help if need be. And/or as a broker to make things easier.
I'm not againt the concept of this per se, but I'd like to know more about which Steemians are behind the @taskmanager account. This would be good for transparency, yes?
I am the steemian behind this account. I was brought here by a few friends of mine who are steemians. A couple steemians have keys to this account. But it is mine. If you send me your government ID, proof of address and conformation of telephone, you may have mine as well :)
As for the key lending, I see it like anything else I own that has keys to it, I can loan the keys to my house or car to people I trust to use it, but it still remains my house, my car and my account.
Ok, so you use only this account? I'm trying to work out whether you run any other accounts.This is what I mean by transparency...
And you sometimes give other people the 'keys'? I see. So other Steemians sometimes post for you?
Where are you going with this?
You are just a troll, if it were a respected member of the community I would take the time to deal with them. Please stop wasting my development time.
Not trolling. I'm just respectfully trying to find out if you run any other accounts. Do you have any other accounts?
It's not forbidden but I feel people investing money in your scheme have a right to know.
I personally do not have ownership of any other accounts on
If you continue to troll my post you risk downvote
You are going to look like a moron when you try to prove that our group of Steemians from Nova Scotia are up to no good... You are going to look like an even bigger moron if you try to connect us to virtualgrowth, he is half way around the world!
All it takes is a group photo at the next steemit meet and you are the idiot who cried wolf.
Just asking sextant. That's all. There's some shady stuff been going on....
Anyway, so it's you, d3nv3r and others in Nova Scotia is it? I have no probelm with any of you, it's just that when i ask a question and people start flipping out about the question I get suspicious.
So no 'crying wolf', just asking...
You didn't just ask, you called something that I watched a personal friend build, a scheme... You are being insulting and rude and don't have a single clue what you are talking about.
We mostly remained quiet while you attacked @virtualgrowth, but we will not tolerate a troll attack on one of our own.
Ok, and the person who typed the above, about owning no other accounts, is the owner of taskmanager, not someone who has just been given the 'keys' to posting?
scheme, noun, a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
Calm down. I'm just asking reasonable questions...
You all seem awfully touchy about this. I was only trying to get to the bottom of who owns what on this account... Normally if someone asks a question, a reasonable calm response is more normal.
You have every one of us worked up from your previous posts, the issue isn't with your questions. The issue is you. All of us saw what you tried to do over the past few days.
You burned your reputation yesterday by trying to accuse some of us of being part of a scam. It wasn't appreciated. Your goal is to prove that @taskmanager is owned or run by @virtualgrowth, we can all see it. This isn't the case so all you have done is waste all of our time.
To us you are a troll, even if you don't know you are a troll, you are currently trolling.
It amazes me that you still see @virtualgrowth as in the right. Almost like your values are skewed somehow.
My goal is to find out exactly what is going on.
I don't care what you think I am. I care about finding out why this account is so closely linked with @virtualgrowth and why, when I asked about it, you two flipped out.
To an outsider it looks like odd behaviour...
I was on a 3 way call between @taskmanager and @d3nv3r earlier today. Both of them didn't want to post today for fear of being attacked by you. Your vendetta against @virtualgrowth is having a negative effect on good steemians. @taskmanager has only been with us for a few weeks on steemit and has given to the community more than most have from their beginnings here. If your moronic behavior drives either of them from the platform you will be doing everyone here a great disservice.
oh no. poor them. and only last night you and @d3nv3r were posting silly music videos and south park clips on my thread. It must have been a terrible night for them to suddenly become so fearful of me...
Remember, all I've done regarding you is ask questions about the identity of posters. You've been threatening and flagging and generally acting erratically.
It doesn't look good....
You further burned your reputation with us by refusing to accept the facts...
It is now a known thing that you are one to not accept facts,
therefore it would be a waste of time and energy to present you with facts...
I'm not sure what 'facts' you think you're talking about.
If you can't present me with anything I can't dispute it.
What good have you done for the community?
What have you given to the community?
Who have you helped within the community?
You are no one who has done nothing but attack, you are known to attack, so the moment you appear people are going to be on defence.
I only put together what I knew about @virtualgrowth after he ignored my complaints for weeks. I wanted other people to see what sort of person they were dealing with.
I'm not attacking you, it just made me suspicious that you're so closely connected with him. And then suddenly you start being aggressive.... so I do a little digging.... and it makes me more suspicious.
Now let me say this:
You might be good people. I can see you have a young one and I sympathise. But if you're going to run something that involves selling people something you've issued out of thin air, you need to look, and be credible.
At present you're coming across as...less than credible. Forgive me for this but you're acting like the crack couple out of breaking bad...
So why don't we just cool it for a bit? It seems like @virtualgrowth is quietly paying the people he didn't pay before. There will be some resolution. Whatever is decided he'll declare himself innocent and then I reckon we'll move forward with a community scheme for accounts soliciting funds which involves something like verification and declaration of which accounts are linked to other accounts.
That's no so bad is it?
I will be answering questions as to future plans during the next beyond bitcoin hangout during the after party. @virtualgrowth has been there in the past and disclosed any and all accounts he is running (this isn't one of them). He is scheduled in to be a speaker, it should be very easy for you and everyone to tell we are two very different people.
The views and opinions of people commenting within this post do not reflect the views of @taskmanager
Shared on twitter
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
This sounds great! :)
Cool idea, just saw this I'm still a bit confused on how to get into your auto voting. Would love the boost. I also started a contest for your next post on the tasks.