why ? Weekly choices include all restaurants, rules do not require me not to review drinks. I have complied with the rules of this topic.
My article is 100% qualified This is the open topic. Everyone was able to review drinks, hot pots, snacks.
“ your weekly choice” - choice - weekly
Where is the ban on writing about drinks?
Restaurant ie food & drinks. We recognised that there are people who want to write about pure drinks venues thats why we created the beverage with friends category.
If you have any further questions, please contact @siamcat as this was confirmed by her also.
This topic does not prohibit people from writing what you say. Why do you hide an article while the rules do not prohibit?
You can write whatever you want but if our team believes it doesn't suit the topic or it doesn't follow any of the rules, we will put the appropriate action on the post.
I have followed the rules publicly😬
This is an implicit rule.Why can't you remind me? You can comment in my article and say: "You should not write about drinks"
but you have abused “Hide”
I have found some articles that show signs of fraud but I don't understand why the supporter doesn't see it. While my article does not violate the rules but always gets noticed.😂😂😂