This is a restaurant that appeared quite long in Thai Nguyen, people here will know many people.
- The restaurant is located in Phu Lien, a quite crowded residential area and easy to move
- House is not quite small, normal space, nothing worth mentioning:
Many choices for customers, reasonable prices suitable for students and residents, only about $ 1 for drinks. $ 2 for food.
Food quality:
Fish here are more hard than this near the Viet Phuong, also smaller but more beautiful than the other side. The food is delicious and savory, though spicy slightly but you see barbaric. Encourage you to eat when hot, and eat with rice mixed well. Divided I like, beautifully presented.
Point 9/10
Restaurant Information
Bobibi Restaurant
95 Phù Liễn, Hàng Văn Thụ0, Thành phố Thái Nguyên, Thái Nguyên, Vietnam
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hey, I did not get pictures at Foody, you were wrong.
I will take a look closer at this case again today. Show me more proof that you were really at the restaurant. If you can give me more proof, I will unhide your post. If you don’t feel completely to discuss with me here, you can send me a direct message at discord.
You can see my photo is completely different from foody, I only take pictures and food. I can prove myself there when I only have that photo
We have a report that this account is involved in multiple accounts issue and we found many false information in your former posts. I suggest you to better come and talk to me directly about all the issues. In the future we want to see more information at your review, just to ensure that you were really at the restaurant.
Thank you for entering our <Your weekly choice > Contest . Thanks to @kennytu, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!