My favourite Restaurant of the week will be the Food Engineering and they are the real engineers of the food I love. Oven baked Pasta with lots of Cheese as topping and inside is my favourite and who will say no to Cheese? I guess the few! I'm not among the few and always wait to have a good food along Cheese.
The oven baked Pasta is the top favourite so whenever someon ask me waht you like I'm ready to answer Pasta or Pizza with lots of Cheese.
Me with my ex-colleague had the best food of the week and we were talking about it all the time since we had it.
This time we went to the Chain Shop Food Engineering and like the prevous one this server the similar test and I have the full bowl.
My colleague like the creamy one which is non baked but I just don't that but the well baked one.
So I've tried the baked one and it was hot, juicy and delicious.
I would recommend anyone could find this place is perfect for gathering or you could take your loved one.
There is nice seating area with colourful lights and around 30 to 50 people could enjoy a good evening down there.
They got a separate arrangement for any small party like birthday as well.
Thanks Everyone
Restaurant Information
Food Engineering, Branch-2
728/2, Monipur 60Feet Road , Mirpur, Dhaka -1216, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
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