1420 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102 アメリカ合衆国
こちらの投稿は Tasteemのコンテスト
夏バテ防止できる一押し食べ物とは?に 応募されたものです。
1420 Market St, San Francisco, CA 94102 アメリカ合衆国
Thank you for your interest in Tasteem. However, it is very hard to understand the words, as they seem to have undergone a translation tool. Please wait a while, until we are back with a version of Tasteem in your own language. Thanks!こんにちは、Tasteem suppoter の @yoshikoです。 #tasteem-hide2
sekali lagi anda post saya akan melaporkan. tasteem.
@tasteem, please visit the @oppovote blog, don't worry about it because someone else has a problem. #thank you.
I'm sorry this last time I didn't do it again
I have already invited you, global tasteem has returned, not because you are one person, tasteem closes again, actually you are lucky people can already enter the #tasteem bleaching list.