This restaurant is located on the independent road of Lhokseumawe city. with the color of the black building makes this reatoran increasingly different from other reatoran in lhokseumawe city, and here is a variety of food menus such as coconut milk durian, vegetable rice with secret ingredients, and a salad that has a mixture of almonds, and also various drinks and juices which is full of variety, the location of this reatoran is adjacent to the Indonesian bank and is at the intersection of the intersection to make a restaurant.
Restaurant Information
Black castle restaurant
Jl. Merdeka, Lhokseumawe, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia
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Glad to meet you And Upvoted you :) !
“They were all on his side. Hi boat sank.” ====> Ljupka Cvetanova
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wow🍴 I love that🥢 restaurant😍
Oh yes