Weekly Contest Schedule / Tasteem Global

in #tasteem6 years ago

Dear Tasteemers,

From this Wednesdays to Sunday Tasteem Global platform will have 5 ongoing contests and here is the schedule:

  1. Wednesday 2019-06-12 / My favourite dessert

  2. Thursday 2019-06-13 / Beverages with friends

  3. Friday 2019-06-14 / All about noodles

  4. Saturday 2019-06-15 / Your weekly choice

  5. Sunday 2019-06-16 / Takeaway

Please only submit your review at : https://tasteem.io/

Additional Rules / Tasteem Global

  1. Tasteem may disqualify entries that are incomplete, illegible or invalid. Tasteem reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or terminate a competition or disqualify any participant or entry at any time without giving advance notice.

  2. Tasteem will do so if it cannot be guaranteed the competition can be carried out fairly or correctly for technical, legal or other reasons, or if Tasteem suspects that any person has manipulated entries or results, provided false information, or acted unethically.

  3. Usage of multiple accounts by one party is not allowed. Tasteem reserves the right to request proof of identity or to verify eligibility conditions and potential winning entries.

  4. International franchise restaurants and takeaway services are not included in the contest. Reviews of local franchise restaurants are welcome.”Please review the restaurant that you have visited in the 4 moths period. Only use the pictures from one restaurant and they should be taken at the same day. The pictures should not be older then 4 months.

  5. If you use picture from source, please add the reference link under the picture.

  6. Do not recycling your old post from months ago and do not use your old content.

  7. If you visit the same restaurant and write another review, please make sure your content will be different then the previous one (description, pictures etc.). We do not encourage users to review the same restaurant more then few times a year.

  8. If you would like to review the drinks without food, please participate at the ‘Beverage’ contest. Drinks review at ‘Your weekly choice contest’ is not allowed.

Please follow @tasteem and read the general contest rules at the contest announcement.

For your own benefit, please check the ''Support Tasteem'' box. This will allow you to receive higher upvote from Tasteem

Siamcat / Tasteem Global Team

Tasteem links- please vote Tasteem as your witness 🧡




Each contest. Tasteem limits 3 posts, but I won't get any more upvote. You have many competitions, I have many restaurants and I have to re-evaluate, I have a mistake. You don't warn me and tell me to write too much and abuse. My picture, I improved my english. My past has been forgiven by everyone, if you are so selfish, why not tell me from the beginning?

I am not so sure how many accounts you have used at Tasteem to farm vote in the past, at least 10 or so?

We blocked them all and you keeps coming back with many other accounts.

We remember your strange English language that your best friend Mr. Google translated for you, always the same.

You can come back with another 100 accounts, we don’t mind but we remember you well, our team will block you right before the payout happens.

Good luck for your farming on another platforms but at Tasteem, we have no space for you.

Each contest. Tasteem limits 3 posts, but I won't get any more upvote. You have many competitions, I have many restaurants and I have to re-evaluate, I have a mistake. You don't warn me and tell me to write too much and abuse. My picture, I improved my english. My past has been forgiven by everyone, if you are so selfish, why not tell me from the beginning?