Cycling pig or Babi guling is one of the favorit menu in Bali
When they would like to make it they should be get a pig firsh and then they will clean it after that ready to cycling
If you would like to eat it please come to Bali and this restaurant recommended
Restaurant Information
Kusuma Dewi Restaurant
Jl. Cemp. Indah, Pemecutan Kaja, Kec. Denpasar Utara, Kota Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Cycling pig
This post participated in the Tasteem contest My favourite dessert
Hello, @swarna01
This review is not suitable for "My Favourite Dessert" contest. Please be careful before you submit a review.
This review is suitable for "Your Weekly Choices". If you want to reupload this review at "Your Weekly Choices" contest, please make sure your review has at least 3 pictures and 8 sentences.
[Tasteem Global Supporter]
I have put More then 3 picture on it and also already more then 8 sentencesHe @anggreklestari
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Thank you for entering our <My favourite dessert > Contest . Thanks to @swarna01, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!
Thank you somuch tasteem I really appreciate it
Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks mr @ayjoe
Posted using Partiko Android
This seems to be under the wrong category. You posted this under Desserts.
Check the category you posted.
Posted using Partiko Android