First Session | D&D Memorial

in #tattoo6 years ago

My client wanted something to memorialize her friend who had passed away a year ago.

I could tell it was painful for her to talk about but, thats why tattoos are therapy for some. It helps bring closure on a certain level. When she brought me her sketched idea, I was excited and honored to do the piece (us nerds have to stick together).
4 hours on the first session. Laid in all the line work and black and grey work. The next step is some awesome colors and white highlights. Longest session shes ever sat thru. She sat like a boss up until the last 45 minutes.

Session 1 Done

(The redness will calm down and expose the softer greys. I will post a healed picture.)


Line Work

(Very tedious. This piece is roughly 12" in length. I used a 5 and 9 line needle.)



(I managed to get the stencil on the first pull!!)


(I posted this about a week ago)

Thanks for looking!!

Hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as I did doing it. Thanks to my client for giving some freedom on it as well. I will post and update when she comes to finish it in a few months. Dont forget to Comment and Follow.
