Tauchain is developt by a small group off people ... I see the beuty in it's design but I belief there will come a project that will exicute it well and just fork the project .
Why would I buy into Tauchain?
I would reather buy into a fork off Tauchain that also has some strong business minded people behind them.
A community is what provides value to the token. Business minded is fine only if the goal is profit at the expense of all other concerns. I'm business minded, but not to the extent that I'd sacrifice the community for max profit.
Agoras will be useful if a community forms an ecosystem around it. Forking Tauchain may be possible even now but no one has been able to do it because apparently the skill to develop something like it is exceptionally rare. Go ahead, fork it right now and if you honor the Agoras token you may be able to compete with Ohad to implement your version of Tau.