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RE: Maximizing Taxation Doesn't Maximize Tax Revenue

in #taxation8 years ago

There is a problem with this thinking, the way I see it governments are too large and exceed what should be prudent tax rates that would not put unnecessary pressures on companies and individuals because they just keep increasing government spending, on things like the military, high salaries for bureaucrats etc. But on the other hand if you do give companies a free ride they will squeeze consumers until they are completely dry. A case in point here in Honduras there is fierce competition between Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola, but when it comes to raising the price of the procuct both companies agree on what they will charge for the product so that both companies offer the same product for the same price always, the same happens with phone companies. Now if things were fair don't you think they would lower their prices against their competitors price to get a larger share of the market? But they are not interested in that, all they want is to get as much money from consumers as they can. so this free market thing isn't as great as people seem to think it is, it is just as always, the rich getting richer off of the masses.
I remember in the '80's Chiquita Brands left Costa Rica on the pretext that the unions were asking for too much and the government was taxing too much. This was used here in Honduras by the banana companies to pressure for a reduction in taxes and decrease the power of unions, this did happen. But the result was that 10 years later Costa Rica without Chiquita was producing more than twice as much bananas as Honduras and their workers were making 2-1/2 times more money.