In the near future the younger generation will laugh at the way we have been living our lives. We depend so vaguely on the oral word today that we change it as much as we change our underwear. Words can have many definitions and can last as long as we wish. Heck, even politicians know this. Anyone that has been on an online debate knows this as well. Thing is, we all use different definitions for the same words so more than often we are lost in translation. In a way, we even forget in what context we have used the word.
Taxes supposedly exist because the world is not fair. This is what most people would come to agree even though some would argue otherwise (which proves my first point). What is fair though for one person cannot be (and it is not) for another. Each human being has a different history, upbringing, ethics and a myriad of other factors that divide simple words like "fair" into thousand more meanings.
What if we had the technology though to have people write their own definition of the word in a place where everyone can see it and even co-sign it? What if based on that definition people grouped together and decided to pay their share of taxes for that specific definition? What if taxes were catered to rhyme with every person's definition of fairness and justice? Wouldn't that make everyone happy even if there would be thousands upon thousands of definitions of the word fairness?
Blockchain technologies offer the possibility for anyone to issue a smart contract that is immutable and transparent in a public ledger. Based on that people will no longer be able to change their minds and complain about the political groups they join, the leaders they choose or their life choices they make.
Much like a sale that is recorded with a receipt, a pledge into a tax contract based on your ethos will be able to carry on its effects throughout the network and the actions of that contract will be visible from everyone. If you choose to opt out from all the public contracts then you stand by your own contract. In this way, everybody participates without imposing on to others even if it means to stand alone and independent.
This system is not perfect but it is a much better version of what we have today where people have to pay taxes for things that they do not approve or agree. Rich people can pay taxes for their lobbies, poor people can build communal banks for their hospitals, social security and anything else in between. If someone becomes too powerful then people will opt out from those "pumped" contracts and thus have more flow signatures into their own. The free market at all it's glory where the wishes of the masses will define in a transparent way how the society is shaped.

We are very near in the timeline for witnessing this change in our system. Governments, whether we like or not, will use the blockchain to make the taxing record public and transparent. This is the chance to take something that has been deemed negative and rather improve it into something that is far greater. We can take democracy to another level by shaping in into a consensus where even an individual can stand all by themselves as a unit. No longer philosophers, politicians or any other public figure will bullshit about the meaning of the words and how we should use them. No longer people will say something one day and then change their minds about it the next. No longer will people stay unaccountable for their choices. Blockchain will transform the way we interact with each other in ways we cannot even fathom today.

This is a deep look into what the nearest future holds with blockchain and smart contract. Believe me; this is the most exciting time to be alive, the goal is to be part of few people that will lead the revolution our world deserve
They may laugh, but this is the future that we are living in today . They will just miss it on the opportunities
nice post
Wow, I've always heard about smartcontracts but I've been unable to understand the technological jargons that come with such posts. This simplifies it quite well.. And from what I understand in this post, life would get a tad easier for everyone... I feel that transparency in our voting and taxation systems worldwide would go a long way in curbing corruption in that regard. Thanks. For posting. @kyriacos
What we are trying to change is a system that has existed for a 1000 years. Something like a change will not happen automatically, it will gradually take time and will receive a lot of backlash due to bad media publicity. Because not will think like you do, people will find more faults in it than good and to ensure a revolution takes place with block chain requires a lot of confidence from majority of the global world, give that there is no outside party that intervenes to influence and turn people away from this revolution.
We still live in medieval times for certain things..notaries for example should be extinct, I hope they get a help in their extintion process by smart contracts.
This would be awesome, but I just wish they would implement a flat tax so everyone "pays the same".
We are so not ready for this. Not yet. But it will come eventually.
This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote plus a resteem
Yes blockchain has been proved effective. And till 2022 sweden,switzerland and many of south asian country's governments are adopting blockchain
I think you are being surprisingly optimistic here. If people could define their own personal taxation, you'll very quickly see "anarchist" becoming pretty much a common denominator for the majority.
For instance, I certainly defend the position that taxes are a necessity (and have defended it the past) but if I have the chance to pick my own tax rate, you can bet I would probably choose zero or something in the 1-2% range if I'm feeling extra benevolent. And if you look at game theory, most people would be setting their taxes as low as possible just to avoid being the only moron paying too much (at least to my limited understand of the subject of course).
appreciate , It is nice to follow you. follow up
Taxation is theft.