The author of this article chose to focus mostly on chapter seven of this week's readings. The author did an excellent job of discussing what chapter seven was about. They went into detail about how without people having an agreement to follow the laws and rules set in place then there would not really be anything that the government could do to really stop the people if the majority decided that it was in their better interest to go against those said laws or rules. The author then goes into further detail on why our government relies so heavily on the morale of the people in order to maintain organization. Because as long as people believe they are doing the right thing by following the law and the rules that are put in place then they are more likely to keep following them. The author then brings up how another reason people follow the laws is because of the consequences that are put in place, but this goes back to the laws and rules having to be beneficial for most of the people, because if everyone disagreed then it would be impossible to punish everyone. Another thing that is brought up in this article is how it is oftentimes very easy to get around such rules. One example that the author focuses on is an apple farmer and the example of how she could easily get around the rules is brought up when talking about the quantity of apples she sold. The author goes on to say that unless there is someone there to physically count the apples then there is no certain way for anyone to make sure that sellers like these are doing what they say they are.
In conclusion, I think that the author of this article did an amazing job of explaining the importance of people's moral codes being brought up when dealing with rules because as they described earlier without that there really would not be a driving force to truly get people to abide by what the government has told the people that the laws are.
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