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RE: Maximizing Taxation Doesn't Maximize Tax Revenue

in #taxation7 years ago (edited)

I have no problem paying taxes, and neither should a company. I think we have forgotten that a company does not only exist to make its owners a profit, a company exists at the pleasure of a social fabric where the company has ethical obligations beyond profit.

This isnt socialism, this is what we should consider to be rational thinking. If we take the pure profit angle, we move back to 18th century industrial revolution Britian, where if the dangerous machine you are working on cuts your arm off, you get fired because one-armed employees are less efficient than two armed employees.

Everyone should be happy to pay taxes, provided the state provides good value for what is being contributed. I see party politics as the primary barrier to getting value from taxes. Every few years governments change, and the new lot come in and re-organize everthing that the old lot just finished fucking upbuilding. Consider school meals for children; party A says every school must provide food for every child, so large canteens and cooking equipment is installed, maintneance contracts and staff are organised, practical hurdles overcome, parents convinced and so on. Within no time at all another government comes along, and says that school meals are not for everyone because its prooved too expensive, and more money is spent dismantling infrastructure, terminating contracts, paying off employees and so on.

Polititians are the problem, not taxes. Polititians who only care about their time in power and pushing their own agendas. If we remove polititians from government, we can start spending taxes properly, and the tax burden will reduce.

Efficiency is what we need.