Taxation is for Barbarians

in #taxationistheft8 years ago

Taxation is theft, and theft is not civilized.

Civilized is transacting in a purely consensual and voluntary interaction.

Civilized is NOT demanding payment for an unsolicited service upon threat of imprisonment, or death should you resist. Demanding money from people at gunpoint is uncivilized.

Civilized is recognizing and respecting rights. If you want something that is not yours from someone else, then you must respect their decision if they decline to give it to you. That is being civil.

@samwarner is a Voluntaryist who sometimes gives a damn. Here, have this damn. Got it? Good. Now you can give a damn.



My state has no income tax and somehow we still have roads.

Read the posts called FOR THE MASSES OF ASSES - JUST TRYING TO FIX STUPID AGAIN to learn why you are paying and loosing