The importance of the accounting profession in counteracting tax evasion .

in #taxes3 years ago
Written by:Diomer Antonio Galán Rincón.
Bachelor's Degree.Public Accounting / MSc.Science of Higher Education.

Nowadays, the tax area is of great relevance worldwide, since the fiscal policies that are established depend on it. This is due to the fact that the economy of many countries is based specifically on the collection of taxes in order to satisfy the basic needs of the communities, or at least represent a fundamental pillar for such economies; as is the case of Venezuela, where the collection of taxes allows the achievement and establishment of programs to cover the needs of its inhabitants. For this purpose, the State created the National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service (SENIAT) as the entity in charge of controlling and collecting the money coming from taxes.

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At present, the accounting area has increased its importance in the economy of the countries; because it offers useful economic information for any user, that is why, accounting can be considered a means that allows measuring and reporting economic events, of any activity that performs and involves money. Likewise, the information it generates is mainly of a financial, administrative, cost and tax nature.

The latter is one of the branches of accounting that consists of analyzing and recording all the operations (taxable events) carried out by the companies in the accounting books, as well as information related to the taxes that individuals and legal entities are obliged to pay by means of a declaration established in the tax regulations established by law.

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In this sense, Venezuelans are obliged to contribute to the State through the payment of taxes, and from this it is originated that the pertinent governmental entities pay due attention in the collection of taxes. To this end, it has been evidenced that, through the 1999 Constitution, the tax system has also been reformed, in which fiscal control is strengthened, and more productive and progressive rules are introduced to increase the tax burden, highlighting the participation of the different tax administrations at the national, state and municipal levels, to achieve this objective.

In such a way, that these variants cause a direct effect on all the commercial sectors of the country, and even more on accounting, for being the basis of tax determination. Therefore, the commitment demanded by the professional activity of the Public Accountant in the Venezuelan society, is given precisely by the demands, challenges and challenges presented by the legal framework in which the development of its own performance is located, constituting one of the aspects of greater responsibility that is linked to the personality of these professionals.

Image taken from:Pixabay

In turn, those accounting professionals who form alliances with taxpayers in tax evasion will have very serious consequences and in the most extreme case will be disqualified from continuing to practice the profession. In other words, the Public Accountant is responsible for ensuring that everything concerning the financial and tax activity within the company is complied with in accordance with the rules and laws governing the tax field.

I hope you like my article and I would appreciate all your comments.

bibliography consulted:

1.- Code of Ethics to Regulate the Professional Practice of Public Accountants (2013).

2.- Organic Tax Code. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 6152 (Extraordinary), 18-11-2014.

3.- Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 5.453 (Extraordinary) 03-24-2000.

4.- National Integrated Customs and Tax Administration Service (SENIAT).