Tax Season Around the Corner Download Mobile Tax App.

in #taxes7 years ago (edited)

Tired of missing a day of work and spending hours waiting to file your taxes? Happy Tax is your answer! With our revolutionary mobile process you control your filing experience from start to finish. It only takes 15 minutes to file and you’ll be on the way!

Our mobile process provides an experience like nothing else. You'll get a genuinely friendly, high-end concierge service (that just might sweep you off your feet) all while getting the ULTIMATE in expert CPA tax preparation, a 100% guarantee of our work, our FREE audit department assistance should you ever need it, and completely transparent pricing.

New Features Include:

  • New user friendly design
  • Market to consumers with a unique link that can be shared via social media, text messages, and email. This link will enable anyone who downloads the app to self submit their return into a Happy Tax network of CPA’s and processing team.
  • A new chat functionality to improve and maintain effective communication
  • Improved camera functionality
  • Touch ID enabled: Secure access on your mobile device, and easily pick up where you left off.


Download the mobile app here