I took a long look at that site again, although I have been aware of it. I don't know how to determine the truth behind any of the claims of victories there, but a quick google does show this link:
Looks like it didn't work out for him so well.
I am skeptical of whether the victories listed on the site were temporary or permanent. 10 years is a pretty long statute of limitations for tax collection.
Are they any government documents confirming these victories hosted at .gov sites, such as court records?
It seems counterintuitive for the government to post documents shedding light on the success people are having with this. The best documentation I can find is still with lost horizons, they also document success with government rebuttals.
See this: http://losthorizons.com/Documents/CtCSuppression.htm
Thanks. If this works in courts, there should be unredacted legal filings that can be accessed via .gov sites. Since they would have no reason to photoshop them against their own case, that's what I was hoping to find.