Taxi Cab Hits WeekEnd Sale

in #taxicabhits2 years ago


Thanks for Stopping By, We wanted to Give some Details on this WeekEnds Awesome Sauce Deal at

From Friday 4-21-2023 until 4-23-2023 We are having a 3 for 1 Sale on all Credits.

Here is a BONUS: If you Purchase Some Credits with HIVE You will have a Chance at a --> Upgrade and a Week of Starting Pages<--

Promo Code: Wild Weekend Surf 250 Pages and Get 100/500/1000

Hope To Seee You Surfing This Weekend

Aarons pics Small pic.JPG
Aaron Green

P.S. As I surf I am Looking for Members that Are Promoting TCH so if you have a Splash Page promoting TCH you could WINn a Prize.


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  • Hey @greensempire! Actifit (@actifit) is Hive's flagship Move2Earn Project. We've been building on hive for almost 5 years now and have an active community of 7,000+ subscribers & 600+ active users.