
…and this is Joe Johnson isn't it? Are you still associated with Cobin, after he ran his real estate scheme into the ground, while he is still trying to accuse me of an endless list of things that I haven't done? Are you the elusive "Terrence" or is that the little writer guy, Bodzin, who kept sneaking around GGC until I told him to pound sand in 2014, after we found out he was trying to create any bullshit story he could that was derogatory of myself and GGC? You guys are quite pathetic. Cheers.

Wow, really swing in wide arcs, don't you? And you call me pathetic?
Yeah, this is Joe.

Hey anotherjoe…I did so on other posts, but hadn't done so here as of yet. I just posted my identity above. Cheers. Please follow me. We will be sharing quite a bit of information on the true history of GGC, as well as the many scams, lies and crimes of Berwick.

Hey Joe…wow…another post that you, Cobin, "Terrence", etc., didn't like…so, you flagged it away. How very 'free speech minded' of you. Is Frank Szabo still working for Cobin, after he got jacked for $500,000 on Failed Orchard?

Your comments are libelous and reflect your character. You're free to say things all you want, just as I'm free to downvote them.
I hope @stellabelle investigates this debacle thoroughly.