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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv8 years ago

@stellabelle you may also find this site interesting: . The site has a cast of characters involved: and also shows who's behind the site: . If you are looking to dig deeper, that may be a good starting place.


The site I always recommend is this one. It's run by Terrance Gillespie and he has compiled more data on the subject than anyone I've encountered. It's organized into several sequential parts that constitute a book he calls "The Creature from Galt's Gulch." Not even it is complete but it's the best one-stop shop for info, in my opinion. The blanks can be filled-in afterwards with a little more digging.

Not sure how Steemit functions, so not sure why I cannot reply to your comment above, but will do so here I guess. Requesting that someone who is telling a great deal of lies to provide proof of their actual identity does not by any account equate to "chickening out", as you so eloquently put it. I simply was vetting someone or something, which seems to be an outdated, or rather, ignored, process nowadays with blogs that simply regurgitate whatever it is that is being spewed by Berwick, "Terrence" or others, whom have an agenda to carry out, rather than simply speaking about truthful history of something, or their own actions…and confirming if this person actually is who they publicly represent themselves to be, so as to have a basis to decide if spending time to talk with them or not is something to consider. With "Terrence", it was not. If he were to supply me with proof of his identity, great. I'm happy to discuss any matters of GGC, but since he refuses to do so, the discussion ends there, because time does not allow for me to waste it on him, or his. I will drop a few truth bombs on a few of this lies and allow others to decide if "Terrence" can lie about a few things, why should they trust anything else that he is stating. That podcast, by the way, is/was operated by two associates of Berwick's, with a healthy list of lies emanating from them about TDV, GGC and other topics as well, with one of them being associated to you as well, if I'm not mistaken. It's a interesting little world in the blogosphere with those who incestuously taint it by regurgitating that they 'hate the state', providing false recommendations for people who don't even reveal who they actually are, and whom they've never actually met, and also attempting to profit from others demise, as if it is some sort of entertainment for them. It seems to be a bit rampant in the blogosphere for some reason. At least where you and yours seem to turn up. That is why I rarely venture into it, and can't justify setting aside the time to pay attention to people like "Terrence", yourself and others, who do such things.

The job of a guest on a show is to just show up and speak the truth, not "vet" other guests. Declining the invitation is fine but this excuse about needing to vet another guest on someone else's show is utter horseshit.

"Terrence Gillespie" being recommended by the alias "Gabriel Scheare." How cute. I offered to go on podcasts with "Terrence" in 2015, after my return to GGC, but due to the fact that I felt that he was yet another alias of those smearing me and GGC, I required that "Terrence" supply me with proof of his identity. I had zero interest in wasting my time with more false narratives from the "rescue" team or from their colleague, John Cobin, who created a fictitious real estate scheme on land bordering GGC to the south, which he now has numerous lawsuits pending against him for. "Terrence" refused to provide me proof of his identity, so I dismissed all communications from him from that point forward. The bits of "Terrence's" writing that I have seen are glaringly false. He is clearly seems to be associated with John Cobin. Cobin has long had an undying need to try and sink GGC. Why would yet another person want to do this? Because Cobin was the party who showed me GGC's first tract of land when it was on the market in 2012, but he then tried to sell the same land to another party while Cobin was operating under a Power of Attorney agreement from myself and Berwick. After having clear proof of Cobin's unethical actions, and double dealings, we parted ways. Cobin didn't like that.

Covering Cobin would take an entire other blog to outline all of his lies, possible crimes, numerous lawsuits against him, his lies about me, attacks on GGC and much more. Cobin demanded a $250,000 USD 'finders fee' and approximately 850 acres of land carved out of the GGC land purchase for him and his business partner. He's not a real estate agent or attorney in Chile, yet he wanted a 'finders fee' of what amounted to be over $500,000 USD, while the agent who actually handled the entire transaction was paid about $40,000. The purchase price of the land was slightly over $1,000,000 USD, so Cobin was demanding a 50% 'finders fee'. I'd bet that "Terrence" writes about this, yet somehow tries to paint Cobin as some kind of victim. Truly insane cast of dysfunctional characters…that is for certain.

I don't really care who "Terrence" is, or claims to be. All I care to know about him is that he tells a great deal of lies; therefore, I have zero interest in corresponding with him in any way. It would not surprise me if "Terrence" is the alias who wrote that I "rendered homeless" the GGC client who physically abused his fiancé on GGC property. If I had the time, I could debunk all that he accuses me of, with evidence, but I simply don't have the time. I may pull out a handful of his lies and post evidence as such, which, as one would think, should show critical thinkers that if he would lie about one thing, he will lie about anything to you. That most definitely is the case with "Terrence", whomever he may be.

Actually, it was being recommended by the alias, "piedpiper." I never met Terrence myself but he showed up for the interview that you chickened out of so go ahead and check it out to learn more about him.

Pied, Terence's website is good, but please direct people to our website where we have uploaded documents.