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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv8 years ago (edited)

Cutting roads for access to the hills has nothing to do with prepping roads for pavement. We didn't tell people at the celebrations that roads were being paved anytime soon, as you seem to want to suggest. We smoothed existing roads in the hills, in order to give people access to the hills and valleys of GGC. Quite a reasonable thing, yet you try to twist it into some massive coverup, as if I told them there would be paved roads in GGC in matter of days. Sell it down the street crypto.

I guess everyone who cares to learn about the lies of the "rescue" team, Berwick and others, will have to take hundreds of emails, maps, documents, and electronic messages "with a grain of salt", since you think I taint objective and factual information, simply because you clearly may have a motive to your message.

I find it interesting how my detractors seem to want to paint me as if I hide behind aliases. Those who do use them, such as Josh Kirley, "Terrence Gillespie" and others, make it a point to accuse me of such things. Why? To draw attention away from them doing so, and to lessen the impact when I expose them for doing so. Kill the messenger, right crypto?

I'm not hiding behind online aliases. I am at GGC, repairing the millions of dollars in damages inflicted by Kirley, Berwick, and others. I'm the only one not hiding behind aliases and the light of day. What should that tell people?


What a load of bs. You have plenty of aliases on line. I've found four of them on facebook, alone. You also posted on the Daily Bell as John Kenson. I've posted this on our facebook page.

For everyone's information, Terence Gillespie is... Terence Gillespie. He is a real person, has a fairly long public history and doesn't post about GGC with aliases, the way Johnson does.

Terence began researching and writing about GGC as an independent third party who was upset at the dishonesty and thievery of Galt's Gulch Chile. He wanted to find out who was responsible to "bell the cat" so that the criminal would not be able to defraud anyone else. His investigation lead him to understand that Berwick has his problems and acted badly, but that the real criminal behind GGC is Kenneth Dale Johnson, the grifter posting here as galtsgulch.

Johnson can't get his mind around that someone who was not involved with the fraud would be forthright and kind enough to put his energies into exposing his criminality and helping the victims. So, Johnson convinced himself that Terence is an alias for one of the people he defrauded. Johnson is wrong.

Johnson is of course lying about the road building, which was a Potemkin village trick to make potential investors visiting the farm in Oct 2013 think that something was really going to happen there. In the process of playing with the back hoe, btw, one of his idiot buddies mowed down some protected trees. What did the deeply concerned environmentalist Johnson do when he found out? Why, what any good scam artist would do. He had the workers bury the stumps to hide the evidence of his crime.