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RE: Alleged Victim of Dollar Vigilante's TDV Immigration Comes Forward And Tells His Personal Story

in #tdv8 years ago

Hmmm…don't you mean the land that your colleague, Mario Del Real, has attempted to steal while working with you, Kirley and others, with forgeries, falsified documents, theft and more? You never put a dime into GGC Berwick, but you have caused millions of dollars in damages to it dating back to mid-2013, so how could you possibly think you have any claims to being an owner? Are you going to try and claim that the partial payment of your debts to me was now suddenly for the purchase of ownership in GGC? You guys can't pay off my attorneys any more, so it is going to get quite difficult for you now.


Johnson never put a dime into GGC. Johnson is the one who worked with Mario Del Real. And absolutely no one except Li'l Kenny Fraudster and his buddies did any monetary damage to GGC.