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RE: Alleged Victim of Dollar Vigilante's TDV Immigration Comes Forward And Tells His Personal Story

in #tdv8 years ago (edited)

@garvofe What you are describing is something completely different than what Berwick has done to the dozens of victims of his Mexico passport program, from whom he took many hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars, and did not return to them, or so it seems from their testimonies thus far. The video above of Kevin Schmidt, and also the one here ( outline $30,000 USD that Berwick took from the Schmidt family, and never repaid, and approximately $300,000 USD that Berwick took from two other parties, and presumably never repaid, while also not fulfilling his promises to them. This, as most would agree, seems to be fraudulent on Berwick's part.

In an email (in my 2nd reply to you, below this one) from Berwick to a potential Mexico passport client, dated July 30, 2015, Berwick attempts to persuade this potential TDV passport client to send $80,000 USD to Berwick's company for two Mexican passports, and presumably Mexican citizenship. Mind you, this email was sent by Berwick nearly six months after he was filmed on February 6, 2015 (in the video on the GGC website), just days before his Anarchapulco conference, where he outlines that he squandered approximately $300,000 USD from just two passport clients…and that he could not pay the money back. Outlined in my own emails from our investors at GGC, and their conversations with Berwick's CFO of the Mexico program, Chris Serin, this program was Berwick's only source of income, which they boasted about quite loudly in their emails. So, if this was Berwick's only income in 2014 and 2015, and he clearly states that he squandered all of the money on other things, then how did he fund Anarchapulco in 2015? How did he fund 'his' $100,000 USD investment into a marijuana grow operation in 2014/2015? It would seem, logically, that he funded both of these things with the money that he seems to have stolen from the victims of his Mexico passport program.

In the February 6, 2015 video, Berwick outlines that he has not completed any of the promised citizenships and/or passports, while outlining what appears to be significant corruption and illegalities that Berwick must have known could create grave consequences for those whom ever attempted to use such passports or citizenship documents, if he, or his wife, were ever able to obtain them. Does this seem ethical to you?

Fortunately, the potential passport clients in July 2015 did not send $80,000 USD to Berwick, because it sure seems that they would have lost it all to Berwick. There is far more to be released about all of this very shortly. Cheers.


And when will you, Li'l Kenny Fraudster, complete the promised Paraguay citizenships and/or passports totaling $150,000 that you haven't delivered? Hmmm???

Your only source of income from 2012 to this very day is the GGC investors and the Paraguay passport clients that you defrauded. Your theft of $10.6 million combined are orders of magnitude worse than what you're accusing Jeff of here.

Where's the money, Li'l Kenny? We're waiting...

Wonderful to hear from you Catharine Cuthbert, or maybe this is "Terrence Gilespie", or maybe Josh Kirley, or maybe alter ego "Eddie Willers." It seems like Catharine Cuthbert's vindictive writing style, so I'll assume it is you. I'll rebuke the information on your websites, and from your false online aliases, in due course. You don't want to admit that there are thousands of emails, signed documents and much more that are contradictory to your false narrative, so we will allow the courts in Chile to review such information.

By the way, when are you going to get your story straight? You propagate that I stole $8m, then $7m, then $10m, the $2m, then…I kill the homeless dogs that I rescue. Maybe you are now going to attempt to say that I poison the empanadas that we deliver to homeless shelters on weekends. Do you practice lying about others in the mirror each morning? Does it feel good?

So, it's now $10.6m that you claim that I "stole", yet you have been working for well over two years now with the party who is actively trying to steal the GGC assets, Mario Del Real. Are his actions (and possibly yours?) of committing forgeries, falsifying corporate documents, malicious use of false signatures, falsifying public documents, theft of GGC funds, and much more, ok to carry out when you participate with him in carrying these crimes out, and in helping him to attempt to evade prosecution? Hmmmm. I guess we shall see.

I've never taken money from clients for passports in my life, which you know, since you stole and hacked my computers and all GGC files and accounts. I don't deny working with TDV, or Berwick, in 2012 and part of 2013. You may try and make it seem as if I do, but that simply is not the case. The program in Paraguay that I did work on for TDV, as you know, was investigated in 2014 and all false accusations about it were dismissed in 2015, as outlined in court documents. If Berwick is representing things about me, and my past relations with TDV, in a light that is other than honest, that most certainly would not be a surprise. It is clear that he cannot locate the truth if it walked up and smacked him in the face.

Typical, lying Li'l Kenny Fraudster, just making crazy stuff up. Show me where I said that you stole $8m, then $7m, then $10m, the $2m. Where's the link, some sort of document?

I don't change the amount you stole from GGC investors. Before we had hard evidence, I estimated that you stole $11 million as we said in our first press release. Since completing our forensic investigation of GGC, I have always said that it is $10.45 million from GGC and related scams and i have now added the $150k you stole from the Paraguay passport people. Since you are clearly math challenged, I'll help you out by adding the numbers to a total of $10.6 million. But, I let you off the hook for the money you stole from the lemon harvests, and the money that you effectively stole by not paying trades people, workers and professionals who worked on GGC.

I have posted an email that you sent to all the GGC investors on July 28 2014 where you admit that you set up the Paraguay passport scam. Here is the link:

From this email it is clear that you are the one who said that you set up the passport scam.

The woman you used for the Paraguay passport scam was raided in 2014, but it is ridiculous to say that the accusations were false. They were true, but the authorities didn't prosecute because the people in her network were powerful enough to cover the scam up.

Your lies about the Paraguay passport scam were exposed in your interview with Christopher Cantwell. Here's the link to our blog post on the interview.

And you did starve two dogs to death. We have many witnesses to that.

Your technique of projection won't work, Li'l Kenny. Everybody knows you're the liar. It's all over the internet, and documented.