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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv8 years ago (edited)

Thank you for sharing information on Berwick's scams, lies and apparent crimes. He has harmed a very long list of victims, including myself, our project, Galt's Gulch Chile, and our clients. This means nothing to Berwick, because he truly is a lost and empty soul, constantly seeking to feed his addictions. I witnessed it all first hand while living in Acapulco in 2012, before I had seen enough and decided to head to Chile to launch GGC. I regret not going public long ago with a long list of information, evidence and more. I chose not to, because it seemed pointless to take on a small army of non-vetting bloggers, and highly unethical, and seemingly criminal, clients tied to Berwick, and the Chilean swindler, Mario Del Real, whom will be convicted of his crimes in Chile soon…returning rightful ownership to myself and our other shareholders, to then complete the project, or offer refunds, as circumstances dictate. Thank you for sharing some of this information. Online popularity is fleeting. Truth is not.


Thanks for sharing your information. Everyone will benefit from learning what happened since it appears no clear story has yet emerged.

Sorry for the slow reply. I've been busy organising evidence of the impossibilities of me being involved with the forgeries, theft and falsification of documents, that occurred in 2014 with GGC. As crazy as it sounds, those who carried such crimes out have accused me of forging signatures, and falsify documents (at a notary that I don't know anyone) in order to transfer my own shares in GGC to the Del Real family. Hmmm. Ok.

They then accused me of creating more false corporate and public documents (again, at a notary where I don't know anyone) to support such a share transfer, and the subsequent attempted theft of the remainder of the shares in GGC, and assets thereof.

This was all part of the forced hostile takeover of GGC. which Berwick helped to organise, which I will show to all who care to learn about it.

As the chronology, with supporting documents, emails, etc., is released, it will be clear who conspired and who told the truth. One, and seemingly more, of my past attorneys are known to have been paid off by those who Berwick aided in harming me, and GGC. Had this not been the case, we could have rectified GGC long ago, and avoided all of this, but that was not the goal of those seeking to wrongfully take ownership of GGC's assets.

I'll think on how to best release the information and get it out soon. As mentioned elsewhere, I didn't want to do so until such time that it wouldn't affect our legal processes. But, the time has come to lay it all out there. Cheers.
