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RE: Alleged Victim of Dollar Vigilante's TDV Immigration Comes Forward And Tells His Personal Story

in #tdv8 years ago (edited)

I'm curious, why do people want a second Passport? I thought you were only allowed to have one - just like you are only allowed one State ID or Driver License at a time and have to surrender your old one. Not sure how it works if you had dual citizenship, though.

To be honest it sounds like both Jeff Berwick and this guy were both doing something illegal. Please comment if I'm wrong about this, just my basic understanding of law and commonsense. But maybe Jeff convinced them it's totally fine if it wasn't legal. So not trying to victim blame but selling passports seems like one shady thing to do.


Why is this r4fken person downvoting everyone? My first one after being on here for over 2 months :)

I'm just curious about this whole thing as I've never heard of this sort of thing before. I guess asking questions and forming an opinion based on what you know or seen, some people don't like that haha.

Then I watched this video

that was commented in another post.

So if someone is offering legit immigration services like a lawyer would, that sounds cool. But if they're actually selling them outright like some others have said then that sounds super shady to me. I wouldn't have even discovered this story if it wasn't for reading Dollar Vigilante posts - which from them it looks like he positioned himself as an expert and seemed like a cool guy living the life.

So I was a bit shocked when I heard about the passport business. So it really is a good reminder that you can make you look like whatever you want on the internet. Which isn't always bad, fake it until you make it when starting out :) All about acting the role as long as no bad intentions.

Just ignore r4ken flags. He flags everyone. I thought he had quit his flagging ways.

You can have a second passport. That's not a big deal. And there are very good reasons to have one, whether you plan on renouncing or not. As an example, it's far easier to open a bank account in many places with just about any passport other than US. Foreign banks hate the US system, FATCA, etc. Some won't deal with US persons because of it.

Of course you're allowed to have multiple passports. Unless you're from the Philippines or something, then no.

Interesting. I figured it was treated the same as any other identification. But don't you have to also have citizenship also where you have a passport from too?

yeah, people say "second passport" and "second citizenship" interchangeably.

Interesting. Didn't know that. I was thinking fake documents, but after a quick Google search many of these sites say you make a donation to the gov in the country in which you want it... Seems interesting, and probably shady stuff.

I know there's lawyers that specialize in immigration but it's usually a bunch of paperwork and waiting. So I know those types of services are mainly legit.

Yeah, there are some legit ones out there but they're super expensive and unnecessary. The best way is to just do it yourself. Paraguay's pretty easy and comes with some nice perks (fantastic gun laws and no tax on foreign income, for instance).

if it sounds too good to be true. let's all pool our resources together to buy property enforced citizenships, everywhere!