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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv8 years ago

"Functioning communities require tolerance and compassion. Without these qualities, you will have war and loads of unhappy people."

These words look familiar? They should, you wrote them.

This has been all well documented and "exposed" numerous times.

Personally I don't like the fear-mongering sales pitches that Jeff writes. My thoughts are he is most likely to have been peddling shady shit in the past. Is this post really worth all of the effort this post took though?

As I said before, it's not really news.

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Maybe he's made mistakes.

Haven't we all?

Regardless of Berwick's fallacies this post accomplishes nothing other than more division. That's my opinion.

I respect your right for free speech but rather than writing this I think it would have better served the community if we reached out to Jeff and tried to help him with his struggles with addiction.

Just my two cents.


I'd have to agree with you here. It's definitely not an easy thing to do, and definitely not a short-cut method, but I'd rather use the path of compassion. Although, definitely much easier said than done lol.

Making mistakes and scamming people out of millions of dollars are very different things. At least when I was a drunk, I didn't steal people's money. People need to understand what they are dealing with and take appropriate precautions. Informing people about the TDV Global company is the issue here. At this point, that is the main thing. Now, if Jeff would just come forward and admit that his passport company is a total disaster (well, he did already in the video), and attempt to pay back his victims, then that would be a different thing. That would be an admirable step. Sure, we've all made mistakes, but one needs to take a radical self inventory and begin to live in a way that does not harm and scam others. It's fine to self-destruct, drink until the moon turns red and fuck tons of prostitutes, but don't fund your personal fuckfests and millionaire drunken lifestyle with the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist sheeple's hard-earned money and trust. That, my dear people is fucked up and we all know it.
And by the way, most sinners turned saints end up writing a book or coming forward in a tell-all confession and begin to repay all the people they ripped off. They don't continue conning people.

Governments and Banks SCAM people out of Millions of dollars. If you think Jeff Berwick is bad, here is a Perfect example of how the Banker Bastards are worse....
These Banker Bastards are the TRUE Scam Artists plaguing Human Beings. If you got "Scammed" by Jeff Berwick, I am sorry for your loss. Just remember the Bastards who have SCAMMED unnamed thousands of people out of their hard earned money like the Banker Bastards listed above in the Silver Class Action Lawsuit are Crack Heads and Drunkards that will Never take responsibility for their Corporate Collective actions....that alone is a tell tale sign of a Raging Alcoholism.

Millions of dollars?

we are not a team. I left facebook because I didn't want to be associated with the superificial culture there. I didn't join here to be associated with scam artists, convicts and shady ex-cops.

Either this shithole gets cleaned or I am out like most people already are.

Not being a smart ass here but, in your mind what exactly are we?

9/10 alt coins are scams. I have been walking the crypto paths since 2012 and every other person was a scammer or a thief.

many posts in Steemit are about "crypto currency analysis" and many people are trying to get into the next big trade that will give them riches while fucking the rest up. that much was evident and still is even with many whales. the whole structure is based on a crypto ideology of "get rich quick" scheme.

Sure we are a young blockchain who needs some kickstart from the usual crypto folks in order to gain momentum. I accept the sacrifice hence the shit-tier people these celebrities brought along. they can create the illusion of traffic even if most are borderline retarded.

What I want to see though is not scam artists or the next alt-coin pump-and-dump. I wanna see people who write articles with depth, people who are innovators, people who read something before they vote. People with an opinion. I don't wannt see cry babies that blame the government and the corporations with every single step they take in here. I don't want to see the same whining and hypocrisy while at the same time most of them would gladly fuck somebody up in an exchange scheme over some shitcoin much like the FED does daily to them.

I want to see people that really embrace the idea of cryptocurrencies and they are ready to write their original ideas down. People who move beyond anarchy 101 or being sheeple of some crypto televangelists.

What do you think TDV was huh? an angel? he made some money and tried to cover his ass up by moving around. then he got into a scam scheme to earn money. he knew it from day one. he was gonna scam the goverment and his customers. things went to shit because he was balls deep already.

oh poor TDV. these people rarely change because all they are is easy money, no effort. they will chase the next scheme over and over again. they are a cancer to crypto currencies and the idea of liberty and anarchy.

thing is, statist-morons don't defer much from anarcho-morons. Both are sheeple from what I see repeating the same mantra their leaders dictate to them.

So yeah. Since I am here I am cleaning this place from all the shitheads whales, dolphins and anything in between. Oh, and the usual kiss ass lowlife scam of "yes master, let me deepthroat your toes"—politically correct sell-outs.

Oh man, that was just a great manifesto. Damn really good.

""yes master, let me deepthroat your toes"—politically correct sell-outs" This was well stated.

I joined Steemit for the same reasons. 3 months ago, has been invaded by Steemit anarcho etc and collusion around subjects dealing with Steemit. The new user do not want to be associated with this type of project. Since decrease in posts, new users and ... the steem. Currently, is not a project for the future, it needs a new breath

Glad you let that all out man. Sounds like it's been building a while.

Still though my question is left unanswered.

What do you think we are?

If not a team then what?

Individuals. Some constructive, some predatory, and some just here for the lolz.

so far mostly idiotic tinfoiled scammers

But you're still here. Has been sorted out and explained to your satisfaction? or you crossed your fingers and hoped the DV would go away and he didnt?

You know what's funny? Since last year, everything we said about him, especially his addictive personality and substance abuse turned out to be he is cashing out on remorse.


and it looks like he might have $4M of backing to upvote his own posts. speculation. no way to prove of course but very disturbing if true

Interesting phrase. Cashing out on remorse