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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

in #tdv8 years ago

Ih Ned considers Jeff and Sterlin "intelligent" then we are doomed.

I wrote this about the TDV when I came to the platform

I wrote this about Sterlin and the TDV later on

Btw, Sterlin and TDV came together. They got shilled from the same whales. Why? They have "anarchism" glued in front of their agenda. They are both cheesy recycling the same political mantra over and over again with ZERO critical thinking.

It appears good to teenagers and those who haven't really studied the subject well but for the rest is just 2 people with their heads too far up their ass preaching like televangelists.

I don't see things changing anytime soon. We need some outside challenge to really shake things up. Neither Dan or Ned like "confrontentional" types since they are about the "positive thinking crap" , business like relationships and so on.

...and look where it got us. Scam atists, convicts, ex cops with shady background trending th front page. the few that are getting shilled over and over again are either pawns or just keep a savoir vivre.

Effort has little to do here in Steemit. Connections and superificiality are everything. I spend hours and hours creating my articles with infographics and all and get cents.

oh well. they made their money one way or another. the ideological crap is just the selling point to make them sleep better at night


Couldn't have said it better.

The one exception I take to your points above is I wouldn't include convicts as persona non grata out of hand. The justice system in America isn't suitably fair nor just enough for a ruling to ruin a person's reputation in my eyes. For some, yes, if the evidence is there that they caused real harm to others.

I'm assuming you're indicating Shrem as one of the convicts headlining this site. To the best of my knowledge he was brought in on some trumped up charges. At worst he was operating outside financial guidelines. Who here using Bitcoin hasn't skirted the law in some way?

In a nutshell when the law becomes onerous enough everybody sane becomes an outlaw.

No Shrem literally knew what was going on with silk road and was still facilitating for them. He believed he would be above the law and his reasoning wasn't unsound at the time, but someone had to be the test case. He was rightfully charged and convicted. But he has cleaned up his act and become a better man for it.