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RE: Alleged Victim of Dollar Vigilante's TDV Immigration Comes Forward And Tells His Personal Story

in #tdv8 years ago (edited)

people have forgotton my introduce yourself post in which I confessed that I am an information addict, writer and researcher. I will research a topic incessantly, sometimes for days, going without normal meals until I find out the truth. I don't believe anyone at face value and I don't put up with bullshit either.
To be completely fair, I have nothing against TDV and his Anarchapulco event and Anarchast show. He's a good showman. I don't even have any judgment towards drugs, addiction and having sex with prostitutes, as long as its your own money. Do what you wish, but don't abuse people's trust.
What I have issue with is advertising a passport business that has clearly ripped off people. It just doesn't really make much business sense actually.


I have nothing against TDV and his Anarchapulco event and Anarchast show. He's a good showman. I don't even have any judgment towards drugs, addiction and having sex with prostitutes, as long as its your own money. Do what you wish, but don't abuse people's trust.

I am in total agreement

Stella, you know NOTHING about what you are talking about here. It's not even my company. Who talked you into doing this?

"going without normal meals until I find out the truth." that how people lose their minds ;)

''-I don't believe anyone at face value and I don't put up with bullshit either.''

I believe in your objectivity, but with such serious claims, wouldn't it have been more prudent and precise to use the word allegations in respect with Mr. Schmidt's testimony?

Yes. You are correct. I have taken your advice. Thank you.