666 Ways the Regime Is Telling You the Truth Right To Your Face

in #tdv3 years ago

666 Ways the Regime Is Telling You the Truth Right To Your Face

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Intro vid: Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (Official Video):

Pfizer Expects $33.5 Billion In Vaccine Revenue In 2021: https://www.forbes.com/sites/aayushipratap/2021/07/28/pfizer-expects-335-billion-in-vaccine-revenue-in-2021/?sh=66df37be217d

COVID used as an excuse to introduce facial recognition to UK schools: https://reclaimthenet.org/covid-used-as-an-excuse-to-introduce-facial-recognition-to-uk-schools/

Victoria’s Dan Andrews: Those without vaccine passports will be excluded from economic and social activities: https://reclaimthenet.org/victorias-dan-andrews-those-without-vaccine-passports-will-be-excluded-from-economic-and-social-activities/

'Six minutes, six days or six weeks' -Biden vows infrastructure deal: https://www.reuters.com/video/watch/idOVEXC20RV

Jen Psaki Calls Those Who Have Been Vaxxed “Marked”: https://www.bitchute.com/video/29vuXfnc2IQx/

Facebook is planning to rebrand the company with a new name: https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/19/22735612/facebook-change-company-name-metaverse

Chinese QR Code Vaccine Passport System:

Check out today’s video..!


Thank you for your patience. This is a re-upload that does not have the issues the last file had. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Unreal, really well done for getting Max out. I mean that sincerely as many people talk the talk but don't act.

Checkout https://freedomforceinternational.org/ these guys understand how to take back power (Ed Griffin)

I love the way Jeff is just himself and never holds back. Makes me smile in these crazy times.

Pfizer is getting exposed by whistleblowers. Check out this YouTube link:

2nd link: https://youtu.be/obdI7tgKLtA I'm surprised they did not delete these youtube videos yet.

Damn, that place is beautiful Jeff.

Apologies for Aussies being too scared to stand up for themselves and Mexico had to help Max.
I'm embarrassed right now to be Australian, but grateful Max could get out
I guess I understand now what a sane doctor would feel if they were living undercover as a patient in a mental institution

Well done Jeff. Top man 👏