In the Netherlands, Dutch farmers are ground zero for resistance to heavy-handed EU environmental edicts. Agenda 2030 climate cuts are targeting livestock and small farmers in a bid to drastically cut food production at a critical time, as the food chain already suffers from lockdown restrictions and soaring gas prices.
POSTED: July 20, 2022
#DutchFarmersProtest #SriLankaEconomicCrisis #FuelPrices #CLIMATECUTS
Great, good to see the resistance is starting!!!.
We support them. Unfortunately no EU media is reporting about it. But I think this will soon change. Resist👍
An idea. What if we start collect money here on Hive for them?
nothing new other Dutch farmers have already shown that it is possible to work environment friendly , but these terror farmers as some call them don't want too change at all.
Those protest already caused at least one human live ..
Yeah, like we did here in Slovenia, now we mostly have to buy imported food which have astronomical prices and our economy is going down the rabbit hole. What do you thin will happen to our small country when they shut down the food supply in the entire Europe? We will die off as a nation and people will starve to death.
most of the Dutch farmers export their goods to other countries so we don't need that much of them local.
I know many local farmers and all say that growing food ecologically i not nearly enough to feed like in our case 2 million people, that's why we have to import half of the meat and lost of other stuff. This ecological farming is intended just for small communities and they are not sustainable to be feeding 7 or 8 billion people. A lot of people will die in this great reset, whether you like it or not.
2 milion people that's only 103 people for each square Kilometer , we have 424 people per square kilometer and still they produce food for export , and that is why we need to reduce the farmers in Holland.
Now you starting to sound like a government employee . How much do they pay you to spread globalist WEF agenda, mister agent?
ROFL , no agent here retired thats all , but we have way more farmers then we actually need same goes for airtraffic and harbor , we are a small nation with hardly any nature left to enjoy. If we don't act now lot's of animal species will be gone and that is a shame.