its basic carbon credits (a negative value representing average human CO2 production, divided by 12)*-1 and social credit score (how well you obey, just gonna point out here, getting on this website long enough to watch a 5 minute video will likely subtract 50 out of a max of 800, every minute after is another 50 I'm sure a score of 400 is effectively 0 credit)
I think they will have a "if you see something, tell someone" credit booster, if you catch someone and it is verified, you get a temp max boost to your SCS to 800, enabling you to have better bread and circuses, it will decay back to the point it was before the boost in a month or week or something... "gamify your life"
your BCC will be adjusted according to your SCS.
having a 0 scs will give you BCC, having an 800 scs would give you 3x bcc
I also believe you can boost your actual credits with investment in carbon reduction (1 air capture co2 diamond gives you 3 years of credit capture) so that diamond would alter your Actual Carbon Credits using this: ((( BCC * 12)3)-1 divided by 12) = monthly amount with 400 SCS
I am a math guy, and a computer game AI Programmer so I see a lot of this coming way before others :-/
Your videos always have the best tips/information. High detail and well researched
its basic carbon credits (a negative value representing average human CO2 production, divided by 12)*-1 and social credit score (how well you obey, just gonna point out here, getting on this website long enough to watch a 5 minute video will likely subtract 50 out of a max of 800, every minute after is another 50 I'm sure a score of 400 is effectively 0 credit)
I think they will have a "if you see something, tell someone" credit booster, if you catch someone and it is verified, you get a temp max boost to your SCS to 800, enabling you to have better bread and circuses, it will decay back to the point it was before the boost in a month or week or something... "gamify your life"
your BCC will be adjusted according to your SCS.
having a 0 scs will give you BCC, having an 800 scs would give you 3x bcc
I also believe you can boost your actual credits with investment in carbon reduction (1 air capture co2 diamond gives you 3 years of credit capture) so that diamond would alter your Actual Carbon Credits using this: ((( BCC * 12)3)-1 divided by 12) = monthly amount with 400 SCS
I am a math guy, and a computer game AI Programmer so I see a lot of this coming way before others :-/