Tea liqueur are not only consumed, but it is used to enhance beauty. The tea contains antibacterial material that will keep skin, hair beautiful and also solve other problems.

Moisturizing Quality:
Green tea liqueur works as a moisturizing skin. If the skin is dry then come out from the spray on the skin of the green tea leaky skin, fatigue will be removed and refreshment can be found. The brightness of the skin will also increase. The use of green tea liqueur will remove the skin and the flesh.

Eye illness will be removed:
Keeping the used T-bag to the fridge and keeping it on the eyelids will remove eye swelling and reduce eye tension. Using a regular cool T-bag, the black spots below the eye will be removed.

Hair glow increases:
Hair is good for using regular tea liqueur . Black tea protects liqueur from hair loss and helps in the growth of green tea lime hair. Hair shampoo hair will be increased by 10 minutes with the hair of the tea liqueur and increase the brightness of the hair.

Removes the smell of the foot:
The tea contains anti-bacterial material. Those who are suffering from smell disorders can wash and wash 20 minutes in the black tea litter. This will remove the stomach of foot.