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RE: Team Australia new recruits 02/05/18 and who are the Aussie witnesses?

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the Fab 4 to #TeamAustralia

@andrewsmodels - Star Wars all the way, can't wait for Solo to come out. Woo-hooo!! At first I thought you were connected to this but I guess not. Cheers mate

@exploreadelaide - I love the vineyards over there, I can still remember my trip to Penfolds, what a beauty. Just could not stand how the speed of cars travel on the roads, though. Welcome!

@westcoasteagles - I don't like you already. What team do you root for? Hahaha... welcome mate to Steemit! :)

@jessicaoutside - I admire your gutsy decision to head to beautiful Canada. I hope you make it "more than well"... and bust someone's chops on the Poker Table. Woot-Woot!

As always, a BIG Thanks to @choogirl... what will we do without these announcements. Great pic feature @trudeehunter...

Have a great weekend guys and gals!



Thanks @coachmelleow. I hope are having a good weekend too.

Always @choogirl... Having fun (just like smiling at challenges in life) is a conscious choice. 😊👍🏻