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RE: Australia, I don't get it (original poetry)

On a serious note, I'm afraid Clay speaks the truth. We disappeared in 2013.

The entire Australian mainland has been excised from the migration zone in a bid to deter the arrival of asylum seekers.

We removed our entire shoreline.

"...changed the law to suit their policies. This doesn't change the fact that this is an inhumane, ineffective and expensive policy that ignores Australia's responsibilities to people who need our protection."

One by one we removed the outer perimeter of our territory from inclusion in our migration zone until finally only the mainland shore was left. Then when refugees tried dangerously to reach the mainland to claim their international legal right of refugee status, we said, "FUCK THAT queue jumpers", and we legislated to disappear our shore and with it our international and humanitarian legal obligations to the world's most vulnerable. In doing so we were able to send them to neighbouring countries with the promise that they will never access their rights.

The UN found Australia to be in breach of international human rights in 2015. Yet we still uphold this disgraceful practice with phrases like, illegal immigrants, boarder protection, pacific solution, asylum seekers WHY DON'T WE SAY REFUGEES? Because refugees have rights.

Sorry Clay

I'll go back and stand at my imagined little window and look at something less confronting.

Ahhhh that's better.

Out of sight out of mind.