Drug Driving Tests in Australia

Good morning!!!!

I'm sitting here reading the local news, and there is a story here about people complaining about the roadside drug tests in New South Wales. Full story Here

The basic premise of the article is that offenders are claiming that they are being picked up on a drug test outside of the 12hours period that the government says it detects. Some even claim that they hadn't smoked weed for 2 weeks and still get hit.

Now for those that are being detected from passive smoking, or hemp based product (so long as they are actually telling the truth) I have sympathy for. But for the other people, that have been consuming illegal substances, I can't have sympathy for.

I'm certainly not anti-pot, I 100% think that it should be legalised. Because of my work I can't consume any of it at all, as I need to be able to pass super strict drug tests any time I go onto a mine site. But the rules are clear, pot it against the law.

I feel the same about the proposed welfare scheme for drug testing welfare recipients. I 100% agree with this. For starters, welfare recipients are living on tax payer dollars that I have to go out and bust my ass to earn to keep them from living on the street. I'm not allowed to do drugs while working, why then do we turn a blind eye to them using OUR money to support their habits. That's not social security, that's just a free ride.
And don't even start on the argument of "You can't tell me what to do with my dole check" well sorry yes I can because its not your money, its the tax payers money. You didn't do shit to earn that money, so we have every right to ensure that the welfare we are giving you isn't being wasted.

So anyway, back to my original topic. Drug driving really does have no grey areas, unlike drink driving. Alcohol is legal in Australia, its perfectly fine to have alcohol in your system. But all drugs are 100% ILLEGAL in australia, just by the fact of having them in your system proves the point that you are breaking the law.

So yeah, thats whats on my mind this morning and its not even 5am, we're going to be in for 1 hell of a argumentative day I think.



I'm with you on this one mate.

I don't get people complaining when they get caught breaking the law and especially around driving offenses...

Speeding is 100% illegal
Drugs are 100% illegal.
Driving over the blood alcohol limit is 100% illegal

Sure I've had a speeding ticket - but I cant complain.. if I broke the law its my fault - I suffer the consequences - pretty simple.

And with the welfare side of things.. again drugs are illegal.. it's not about telling people what they can and cant do with the money...

many places of employment can do random drug tests now on employees I don't see that it should be different for anyone on welfare.. if you arent breaking the law - then nothing to worry about!

Oh gosh.. I'm agreeing with everything you say today.. is the apocalypse coming?

i better go buy a lotto ticket, hells freezing over lol

but your right, illegal is illegal. Doesn't matter if te law is outdated or antiquated its still the law. Until such time as the law is changed, tough titties, deal with it and abide by the law.

oh yeah for sure.. I'm not going into antiquated laws that should be changed - but there is a process..

and then of course there's certain laws in countries that really genuinely take away basic human rights but lets not get into the grey areas lol

Plus I believe that not every law in place is wrong.. some of them really are for the benefit of society

WHAT!!!!! you don't believe that all laws are bad, and that the MAN's sole purpose is just to keep us down?

The laws of the catholic church are a good basis for most civilised societies. Actually as are some of Allah's laws. Forgetting the religious crap, they are societal laws first and foremost.
Don't kill people, dont rape people, Dont steal.
Modern laws just carry on those basic concepts.

Don't do drugs and drive....so you don't kill people.
Don't give a girl in a club a roofie........so you don't rape them.
Don't break into houses.....so you don't steal.

Good thinking. Tax payers' money shouldn't be wasted simply because it's free. People sweated to earn the money. Moreover, the harmful effect of undue negative influence on young, impressionistic members of society is a bigger consequence. The negative impacts on society may not show immediately but definitely destructive enough for the future.

Tax payer's money shouldn't be wasted on bludgers who don't pay for their own kid's education.

My brother admits that's one of the problems with legalizing weed here in the states is that there is no easy way for police offers to test for driving on drugs like there is for alcohol. I'm if it's legalized across all 50 it will only be a matter of months for something to be developed, but completely agree with all your thougjts.

I'll just say that I don't take drugs or care much for drug users, but I don't assume the privilege of dictating how other people should be allowed to live, especially soft targets who have no way to defend their rights.

I'm not suggesting taking drugs is or should be a right either but if it's OK to say unemployed people can't do one thing where does it all stop. It sounds exactly like a dictatorship to me.

If a country is in debt then a lot of the taxes being pilfered go towards servicing the national debt not just to pay the social security burden. More money is constantly being borrowed to keep the economy ticking over.

Australia has been de industrialised and many of the people who worked hard all their life to in those industries to help make the country what it is will never work again. They are miserable, depressed and often suicidal because they just can't get work. Now you want to tell them how to live and what they can and can't do.

It would be more humane to just round them up & shoot them. That way we can bring in more immigrants who'll work for pennies an hour and not expect handouts.

But what you don't grasp mate is that the law states that NO ONE is allowed to do drugs. It doesn't say if you're poor you can't do drugs but rich people can. It says that different substances are illegal within Australia.

It also goes the other way remember, you're saying that just because they can't get a job, or don't WANT to get a job that the law shouldn't apply to them.

As a law abiding citizen, if i step onto a mine site and i test positive to an illegal drug then I loose my job.

Its not a dictatorship, its a civilised society. Its a law alot of bleeding hearts don't agree with, and because its hard or not fair it gets call inumane or fascism or any number of things. But no, its a society law, that EVERYONE has to abide by.

And you did read your tax return graph to see where the money is being spent didnt you? Over 60% of the money you earn and pay in taxes goes to social welfare projects. I would LOVE to see that money go to schools, or hospitals or debt reduction. But those on Welfare go BALLISTIC if anyone even thinks about trying to make them get a job and get off the welfare system.
Australia is a nation of bone lazy buggers that are too accustomed to letting the suckers that work pay for everything. Its unsustainable.
But we've gone well off the track of my initial topic.

Don't get me wrong @gobba.handcrafts , I agree with most of what you say. I live in an area with a high unemployment rate & from what I see the majority of them just live for drugs, all funded by taxpayers. Most of them don't deserve oxygen, let alone a lifelong handout.

I still think it's a slippery slope when you class everyone who is unemployed as a bludger, sure many of them certainly are, maybe even the majority are but not all of them.

You believe the country is being bled dry from the bottom, I believe that's just a fraction of what we are missing out from foreign corporations who pay hardly any tax and cook the books to send their money offshore ie glencore, facebook, twitter, google to name just a few.

You say it's a society law but these laws are made by corporations, our government is a corporation as is the ATO and our police forces. We haven't had a real government since whitlam signed the country up to UNIDROIT and hawke finished the job when the country started trading on the USSEC

Personally I think most of our laws are complete BS as they don't even have proclamation certificates to make them legal. The whole legal system is setup to keep people ignorant and trick them into consent so they can steal money off them.