
I still don't know them all. And you've reminded me, it bugs me.

Ok, I finally fessed up below. It only took me 6 months :p

It's a long story. I think I figured out with the help of @choogirl that it is a quadruple entendre.

does it have to do anything with you living off the grid ?

Actually, no but that is another one of my longer term goals so when I get there it'll be a quintuple entendre!

I do like to maintain a bit of mystery but I don't want to tease @choogirl so here they are :-

  1. I'm a Software Developer by mainstream profession and a big part of that job is dealing with software bugs. So when there is lots of bugs you can get over whelmed, or "bugged out"

  2. I am a Gold lover also commonly termed a "Gold Bug" so going over the top with a love of Gold is getting "gold bugged out"

  3. This one is more of a mental state and is often associated with drugs but not always. If you're spinning out, maybe having an epiphany or freaking a bit you are "bugging out"

  4. This one courtesy of @choogirl who noticed that my young kids might be bugging me so when they get too much and I lose my shit I am "bugged out"

Finally!!! 🙏

If I die in my sleep tonight at least one of life's mysteries has been solved.

  1. Bug out , as in have a bug out bag ready to go in the nowhere
    Bugged out , already took the bag and living off the grid

Thanks for playing :)