You're a young fella!
Did you guys even have the SLR's as a part of your training?
SFMG course... with M60's on tripods... and then the "Bloop ers" (think it was M79), any of that?
I still wake up yelling VINSON..... the buggers made me attend a signalmans course in and around about 1991 or 92.... hated it.... fkn VINSON..... ishhhh..., that was the closest I came to the equipment that your generation was accustomed to.
I got out in 1995, so I was never actually issued the Steyer, luckily I guess, never had a liking for the 5.56 "BB guns" (air rifles).
I'm an old codger now.... just packing up some stuff here, boxing it all up and came across a memory stick, low and behold this was one of the photos on there.
Just put it up because I couldn't recognize myself in the photo, too fkn long ago for anyone to remember, let alone a senile bugger like myself.