I'm so Australian that when the discord thing started giving me shit I just went back to watching midget porn like everyone else.
I'm not totally whipped by all this new age PC bullshit but I do reserve the right to threaten someone with a thong if they don't smoke the same cigarettes as me or drink the same beer.
If I blow out a plugga then the gloves really come off. No bastard can tell me I don't have the right to steal a garden gnome from someone's front yard on a Saturday night if no-one is watching. The F,ing things have been following me home since I was almost old enough to drink .
I can speak bogan in almost every regional dialect this country has to offer., except for some of the new age ones I haven't been trained in.
I've even been locked up in three states and one territory, I'm still working on the others, but I'm sure I''l get there if I travel enough.
Advance oztraya fair !
Man, people seem more revved up for @gohba.handcrafts bogan write-up than anything else!
This is going to be an interesting read! I strongly encourage you to enter @khufu 😜✌🏼