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RE: Removed

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

Well, I’m glad I can come back, I raged left and then thought, oh-oh...Now I can’t message Choo to make sure I can actually return. This stuff happens when I get severely sick of myself. For now I’m limiting myself to TWB, but only so I can refocus on writing.

Regardless of whether you personally read or skim, considering the amount of content you must cover on top of having time for what you enjoy, it’s phenomenal. I never properly considered the scope of your steemit efforts until this post. I’ll be more appreciative whenever I make it on your autovotes now, even if it’s by default. 😊

And you would not believe the relief I feel to just be able to follow you without my previous concern. Your value to me isn’t curie. Your value is that I know I can get an honest opinion on stuff, that you’d try to help a TA noob to the best of your knowledge.

No need to respond to this, you’re a busy lady.

Take care!